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Silver iodide is commonly used in cloud seeding, a weather modification technique designed to stimulate precipitation. It is dispersed into clouds to encourage the formation of ice crystals, leading to increased rainfall or snowfall. Silver iodide is also used in Photography and some medical applications.

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Q: What is silver iodine used for?
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What is silver iodine?

Silver iodine is a chemical compound composed of silver and iodine atoms. It is often used in cloud seeding to induce rain by dispersing it into clouds to encourage the formation of ice crystals. Silver iodine has also been used in photography and medical applications.

What does silver and iodine make?

Silver iodide is formed when silver and iodine react together. This compound is commonly used in photography and cloud seeding.

What element is used in photography and as an antiseptic?

Iodine ******** And silver.

Which compound that darkens in light used in photography?

Silver Iodine

Compound made of iodine and silver?

The compound made of silver and iodine is silver iodide(AgI). Because this is a compound with a metal (silver) and a non-metal (iodine), we use the metal's name with the non-metal's name changed to end in -ide.

How many protons do iodine and silver have?

Iodine has 53 protons, while silver has 47 protons.

Which substance is most commonly used for cloud seeding?

silver iodine

When silver and iodine combine what does it create?

When silver and iodine combine, they form silver iodide (AgI), a yellowish compound that is insoluble in water. Silver iodide is often used in photography and cloud seeding.

What kind of bonding is silver iodine?

Silver iodine exhibits ionic bonding, where the silver atom donates an electron to the iodine atom, resulting in the formation of positively charged silver ions and negatively charged iodine ions that are held together by electrostatic forces.

Who has more protons iodine or silver?

When looking at the periodic table, we see that Iodine (I) comes after silver (Ag). The clue to this question comes in the atomic number (also known as the proton number), which is the number of protons found in the nucleus of the atom.

What type of compound is Agl?

AgI is an ionic compound, specifically a metal halide. It is composed of silver ions (Ag+) and iodine ions (I-), which are held together by ionic bonds.

How is iodine used in photography?

Iodine is used in photography as a component of the silver iodide emulsion that coats light-sensitive film or photographic paper. When exposed to light, the silver iodide undergoes a chemical reaction that forms an image, capturing the light and creating a photograph.