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An alkaline pH is one that is above 7.

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3mo ago

The pH of alkaline substances typically ranges from 7.1 to 14, with higher values indicating greater alkalinity. Alkaline substances have more hydroxide ions and fewer hydrogen ions compared to neutral solutions with a pH of 7.

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How you can test the pH of solution?

You can test the pH of a solution using pH strips, pH meters, or pH indicator solutions. With pH strips, you simply dip the strip into the solution and compare the color change to a pH color chart. pH meters provide a digital pH value by immersing the electrode into the solution. pH indicator solutions change color based on the pH of the solution, allowing for a visual estimation of pH.

How do we find out the pH?

The pH is determined with a pH-meter.

Which ranges on the pH scale are acidic basic and neutral?

Acidic: pH less than 7 Neutral: pH of 7 Basic: pH greater than 7

What pH values indicates a solution with the highest concentration of hydrogen ions pH equals 1 or pH equals 2 or Ph equals 7or pH equals 14?

pH = 14 is basic pH = 7 is neutral pH - 1 and 2 are acidic; pH = 1 is more acidic than pH = 2 Therefore a solution at pH 1 has higher concentration of H+ than at pH 14

What is the most acidic pH 10 pH 3 pH 2 pH 6 pH 8 pH 12 pH 1 pH 7.5?

The lower the pH, the more acidic the solution is. Remember, pH 7.0 is H2O. As pH decreases below 7, the solution's acidity increases. As pH increase above 7, the basicity of the solution increases. Hence, in the choices you provided, pH 1.0 is most acidic.

Which is the most acidic pH 2 pH 5 pH 7 or pH 11?

The most acidic pH among the options given is pH 2. pH values below 7 indicate acidity, with lower values being more acidic.