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when the heat is much from sun and there are too much evaporated water for the air to carry at a temp

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1mo ago

Air can become saturated by reaching its dew point temperature, which is the temperature at which the air can no longer hold all of its moisture and water vapor begins to condense into liquid form. When this happens, the air is at 100% relative humidity and is considered saturated.

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Q: What is one way in which air can become saturated?
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How much does a saturated solution dissolves its solute?

A saturated solution dissolves its solute until it reaches a state of equilibrium, where the rate of dissolution is equal to the rate of precipitation. At this point, no additional solute can dissolve into the solution.

Describe how you can tell the difference between an unsaturated solution and a saturated solution?

An unsaturated solution can dissolve more solute at a given temperature, whereas a saturated solution contains the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved in the solvent at that temperature. You can tell the difference by observing whether there is still undissolved solute present in the solution (unsaturated) or if the solution is clear with no solute visible (saturated).

Which of these is a lighter than air craft?

Without having the information about what the options are there really is not any way to know which is lighter than aircraft. The rest of the information needs to be provided for the correct answer to be given.

Do saturated fat have a maximum number of C-H bonds?

Yes, saturated fats have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon atoms. This results in a straight structure with all single bonds between carbon atoms, giving them a more solid and stable configuration at room temperature.

How do you prove air is in water?

One way to prove that air is in water is to observe the formation of bubbles when water is agitated or heated. These bubbles are composed of air that was dissolved in the water. Another method is to measure the oxygen or nitrogen content in water, which indicates the presence of air.

Related questions

What are two ways that air can be saturated?

one is lower the temperature to its dew point,and the other way is to eave the water out to evaporate.

What are two way in which air can becom saturated?

One would be the air having 100% relative humidity, meaning all the air is at the same temperature.

What happens when air is saturated with water?

When air is saturated with water, it has reached its maximum capacity to hold water vapor at a given temperature. Any additional water vapor added will result in condensation - where the water vapor turns into liquid water, such as in the form of dew or precipitation.

What causes air to become more unstable?

what is the only way air can become unstable

How does one become a dealer of soleus air products?

The way to become a dealer of soleus air products is to send a letter to them. Tell them what your company has to offer, what products you want and sales channel.

When air rises does it become warm?

It's the other way round - when air becomes warm, it rises.

Can land hermit crabs become sea hermit crabs?

No, nor the other way around. One breaths air, one breaths under water for their entire life.

What is the quickest way to gain the master chief in njrotc?

Become a comander of somthing (air rifle, drill, colorguard..etc) or become a chief in the department or become a platoon guidon. If you are one of these you can become a chief( throught promos) then if you a the best you can become master chief or even a platoon comander ( which you can be promoted to ensign).

How could you compare a saturated solution to an unsaturated solution?

In a saturated solution, if you add any more of the substance that the solution is saturated with, it will either not dissolve or cause some of the existing solute to precipitate or separate. The one caveat is that it is possible to achieve a "supersaturated solution" by careful manipulation of a solution to bring it into a metastable state. One common way to achieve supersaturation is to cool a saturated solution in a container which is so smooth that it lacks nucleation sites.

What is the connection between an air ejector and asbestos?

There is no connection between an air ejector and asbestos, unless asbestos dust is present for some reason. Then the working of an air ejector might be one way in which the asbestos dust can become airborn and available for people to inhale.

What is a sentence for saturate?

Eating too much saturated fat is related to heart disease. Know that alkanes are satured hydrocarbons and know their properties. Products high in saturated fatty acids, salts, sugar etc should be therefore not be promoted on this basis. This is a simple way to reduce your saturated fat intake. Water must be displaced from saturated soils in order to reduce the volume of the voids. The causes are the same old suspects - too little fiber, saturated fat, cholestero and obesity. Dewpoint: the temperature at which a given air/water vapor mixture is saturated with water vapor ( i.e. Wetland: Lowland areas, such as marshes and swamps, that are saturated with moisture, the natural habitat of much wildlife. So instead of normally having 100 % of the hemoglobin saturated with oxygen, smokers are down to about 85 % of normal. Monounsaturated fatty acids: Fatty acids in which only one area of the molecule is not saturated with hydrogen. Wars there have been in the past; this earth is saturated with blood. With the soil saturated again with water there were large pools of water on the fields adjacent to the weather station. Use unsaturated fats such as sunflower or olive oil rather than saturated fats such as butter. You're also adding to the already high saturated fat by piling on more meat. Many people in the UK are eating too much fat, especially saturated fat. The access line is completely saturated during a 25 second period at the center of the period. If partly saturated air is cooled without changing its pressure or amount of water vapor, a point is reached when it becomes saturated. According to Hi-Fi News, 'the wonderfully fluid images and deeply saturated colors painted by this Fujitsu combination are little short of mouth-watering. Above the water table is the zone where the ground is not fully saturated.

Why would the creator of the cosmos choose to become one of us?

There is no way the creater of the cosmos can become one of us.