A secondary color is a color created by mixing two primary colors together, resulting in yellow, green, or purple. These colors are positioned between the primary colors on the color wheel.
Purple is not a primary color. It is a secondary color made by mixing red and blue.
The opposite of the colour purple on a colour wheel is yellow. To figure this out you need to understand the concept of primary and secondary colours. If the colour you have is a primary colour (one of red, yellow or blue) then the opposite colour is the secondary colour resultant from mixing the two remaining primary colours. If the colour you have is a secondary (purple, green or orange) then the opposite colour is the primary not involved in the making of the secondary colour.
When a secondary color is mixed with a primary color, it belongs to the tertiary color family. Tertiary colors are made by mixing a primary color with an adjacent secondary color on the color wheel.
The primary colors that can be mixed to create red are magenta and yellow.
The colour red is a primary colour. A colour which can not be produced through the mixing of other colours. In a sense, all other colours which exist are a combination of varying degree of any of the three primary colours: red, yellow and blue.
A secondary color is a color created by mixing two primary colors together, resulting in yellow, green, or purple. These colors are positioned between the primary colors on the color wheel.
Purple is not a primary color. It is a secondary color made by mixing red and blue.
Blue is one of the three primary colours. The compliment to ant primary colour is the colour achieved by mixing the two remaining primary colours. In this case the complimentary colour to blue is the secondary colour orange.
Blue is a primary colour: Primary colours are not the product of any other colour, but are the original colours.
yellow Try again.... yellow is a primary colour you can not get a primary colour by mixing other colours for it. What you do get if you mix red (a primary) with orange (a secondary) is red-orange (a tertiary).
The opposite of the colour purple on a colour wheel is yellow. To figure this out you need to understand the concept of primary and secondary colours. If the colour you have is a primary colour (one of red, yellow or blue) then the opposite colour is the secondary colour resultant from mixing the two remaining primary colours. If the colour you have is a secondary (purple, green or orange) then the opposite colour is the primary not involved in the making of the secondary colour.
Related colour's are when the secondary colour and another secondary colour have the same primary colour.
The colour blue is a primary colour and therefore cannot be made by any other colour.
Related colour's are when the secondary colour and another secondary colour have the same primary colour.
No, red, blue & green are primary