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The nucleus is in the middle, which consists of neutrons and protons. The electron cloud surrounds it in order to create a balance of electrical charge between the protons and the electrons. A cluster of protons and neutrons.

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15y ago
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3mo ago

The middle of an atom is called the nucleus. It contains positively charged protons and neutral neutrons, while negatively charged electrons orbit around it.

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11y ago

The center of an atom is called nucleus; it is composed from protons and neutrons.

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12y ago

A nucleus, made up of protons and electrons.

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13y ago

The middle part of an atom is called a nucleus and is made up of protons and neutrons

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14y ago

It is called the nucleus.

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Q: What is the middle of an atom called?
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What makes up the middle part of the atom?

The middle part of the atom is called the nucleus, which is composed of protons and neutrons. Protons have a positive charge, while neutrons have no charge. The nucleus makes up the majority of the atom's mass.

Srtucture of an atom?

The structure of an atom, it has electrons, protons and neutrons. The electrons circle around the middle of the atom and the middle of the atom is made up of protons and neutrons.

What is located in the middle of a hydrogen atom?

what is located in the middle of any atom is it's nucleus. The nucleus of an atom generally contains a mix of protons and neutrons but a hydrogen atom contains only one proton. So in answer to your question, a proton is in the middle of a hydrogen atom.

What is an atom that contains the protons and neutrons?

It is the nucleus. It is the middle of the atom

Where is the nucleus in an atom?

in the middle

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The middle of any atom has no color because it is so very small that it can not be seen using light.

What is the atom's center is called?

The center of an atom is called the nucleus.

What is in an atom except a nucleus?

an atom has gas,dust and ice. In the middle there is a small nucleus

What's the center of an atom called?

The center of an atom is called a nucleus (nucleifor plural).Center of an atom is called the "Nucleus".

The smallest particle of an element is called?

The smallest particle of an element is called an atom.

What is the name of the scientific name for the center of an atom called?

The center of an atom is called the nucleus.

What is a single type atom all by itself called?

A single type atom all by itself is called an atom.