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This category includes substances that can cause specific organ damage upon exposure, such as skin irritants, eye irritants, or respiratory irritants. Additionally, these substances may pose a risk of combustion under certain conditions, making them combustible.

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Q: What is in the health hazard risk category organ specific primary irritant combustible?
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What is the primary hazard for nitric acid red fuming?

The primary hazard for nitric acid red fuming is its strong oxidizing properties, which can lead to fire or explosion when in contact with combustible materials. It is also corrosive and can cause severe burns if it comes into contact with the skin or eyes.

Is methane gas combustible?

Yes, methane gas is combustible. It is a primary component of natural gas and can ignite in the presence of oxygen and a source of ignition to produce heat and light. Care should be taken when handling and storing methane gas to prevent accidental fires or explosions.

What is primary metallurgy?

Primary metallurgy refers to the initial stages of metal production, where raw materials such as ores are refined and processed into metal. This involves extracting the metal from the ore through processes like smelting, refining, and casting. Primary metallurgy is essential in obtaining pure and high-quality metals for further use in various industries.

Is ammonia an asphyxiant gas?

Ammonia is not classified as an asphyxiant gas. However, it can displace oxygen in the air, leading to a potential asphyxiation risk in poorly ventilated spaces. The primary danger of exposure to high levels of ammonia is its toxic and irritant effects on the respiratory system.

What is a black solid fuel?

A black solid fuel is typically coal, which is a combustible rock used for heating and energy production. Coal is commonly found in underground deposits and contains carbon as its primary component, giving it its black color.

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