Fractional distillation is a manufacturing process that separates the different components (i.e. fractions 1/2 in a chemical mixture according to their different boiling points. The liquid is raised to boiling and vapors pass through a tubular column where temperature is gradually lowered along its length. Components (fractions) with a higher boiling point condense on the column and return to the solution. Fractions with a lower boiling point pass through the column and are collected. Gasoline, kerosene and naphtha are fractions separated from crude oil using fractional distillation.
Here's more in simple,
the basic principle of fractional distillation is of using the different boiling points of elements(parts) in a compound(a mixture). A fractional distillation process is done in a cylinder which has different compartments having different temperature points. When the mixture is kept in the cylinder, the elements which have the same boiling point as in the compartment it is in, it vaporizes and moves out through a pipe. The mixture goes on vaporizing as the temperature increases and at last all the elements are removed in separated drums where they are condensed and brought back to their normal state.
Another way of putting it is:
Fractional distillation differs from distillation only in that it separates a mixture into a number of different parts, called fractions. A tall column is fitted above the mixture, with several condensers coming off at different heights. The column is hot at the bottom and cool at the top. Substances with high boiling points condense at the bottom and substances with low boiling points condense at the top. Like distillation, fractional distillation works because the different substances in the mixture have different boiling points.
The simplest way is:
Fractional distillation is a form of distillation which is used when more than two liquids with different boiling points are to be separated.
The first thing that happens is that the liquid in your mixture with the lowest boiling point will vaporize and then condense on the border of your column. The heat will rise and the droplets on the walls will evaporate again and again until they reach the area where they are collected. The first few samples are going to be highly concentrated with your first substance. However, as heat goes up, the second mixture will also vaporize and therefore for the last samples, they are going to be mixtures with lower concentration of the second mixture.
Ex: 1st sample: 95% 1st substance, 5% second
2nd sample: 85% 1st, 15% second.
last sample: 50-50
Fractional distillation is used to break down crude oil into many different substances. This is done because crude oil in itslef cannot be used for anything, where as the substances it breaks down into and essential for every day life and are very useful.
How it works:
1. Crude oil is heated causing it to evaporate
2. The vapour rises up the tower
3. The different fractions will then condense at different temperatures depending on their boiling points
*As you go down the fractionation tower, the hydrocarbon molecules will get LARGER
*The smaller the hydrocarbon molecule, the more useful it is as a fuel - because it burns more easily
As the size of a hydrocarbon molecule increases...
-Its boiling point increases (stronger intermolecular forces between molecules)
-It becomes less volatile (does not evaporate as easily)
-It becomes less flammable (the hydrocarbon burns less easily)
-It becomes more viscous (thicker and does not flow as easily)
Once crude oil is separated by fractional distillation, cracking takes place.
See 'what is cracking?' for information on cracking...
Hydrocarbons (ie crude oil) comprises a mixture of hydrocarbon compounds. These compounds all have slightly different boiling and condensing points. Thus it is possible to heat up the crude oil and separate the individual components by collecting them at different points up a cooling tower through which the vapors are passed (a still). This process is called fractional distillation
Electrolysis is a process, fractional distillation another.
fractional distillation is usually use to separate the constituents of crude oil, into petroleum, jet fuel, asphalt, kerosene, and others. Most oil based products are separated by fractional distillation.
This is an distillation installation with columns.
Distillation is a method for the separation of liquids components.
Distillation is used frequently.
After fractional distillation petrol is not a mixture.
Fractional distillation is used to separe the components of a liquid.
Electrolysis is a process, fractional distillation another.
Simple distillation is quicker and requires less equipment than fractional distillation, making it more cost-effective for separating substances with a large difference in boiling points. Fractional distillation, on the other hand, is more precise and effective at separating substances with closer boiling points due to its multiple fractionating columns.
fractional distillation is usually use to separate the constituents of crude oil, into petroleum, jet fuel, asphalt, kerosene, and others. Most oil based products are separated by fractional distillation.
Natural gas is obtained by fractional distillation.
Fractional distillation is applied when many components exist an the differences between boiling points are under 25 oC.
Fractional distillation is a separation method based on the differences between boiling poins of components.
fractional distillation
this is where liquid air changes back to various gases.
This is an distillation installation with columns.
This is the top of a distillation installation.