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When water vapor reacts with nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, it forms acid rain. This can have harmful effects on the environment by deteriorating buildings, harming wildlife, and polluting water sources.

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Q: What is formed when water vapor reacts with nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide?
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How sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide is form?

Sulfur dioxide is formed by the combustion of sulfur-containing fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. Nitrogen dioxide is formed by the combustion of fossil fuels at high temperatures, which leads to the oxidation of nitrogen in the air. Both pollutants are released into the atmosphere primarily from industrial processes and vehicle emissions.

What happens when sulfur reacts with nitric acid?

When sulfur reacts with nitric acid, sulfur dioxide gas is produced as the main product, along with other byproducts such as nitrogen dioxide and water. The reaction is generally exothermic and can be violent under certain conditions due to the possibility of generating additional heat and gas during the reaction.

What acids do nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide form?

Sulfur dioxide produces Sulfurous acid when dissolved in water.SO2 + H2O ----> H2SO3Nitrogen dioxide produces Nitrous acid and Nitric acid when dissolved in water.2 NO2 + H2O ----> HNO2 + HNO3

What will happen if oxygen reacts with non metal forming?

If oxygen reacts with a non-metal, it will most likely form an oxide compound. For example, oxygen reacting with sulfur forms sulfur dioxide, with carbon forms carbon dioxide, and with nitrogen forms nitrogen dioxide. These oxides can have various properties such as being acidic, basic, or neutral depending on the specific non-metal involved.

What is the immediate product of burning sulfur?

The immediate product of burning sulfur is sulfur dioxide (SO2). This gas is formed when sulfur reacts with oxygen in the air during combustion.

What is formed when sulfur reacts with a metal?

When sulfur reacts with a metal, a metal sulfide salt is usually formed.

How do non metals react with oxygen?

Non-metals tend to react with oxygen to form oxides when heated. The reaction can be violent or slow, depending on the element. For example, carbon reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, sulfur reacts to form sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen reacts to form nitrogen oxides.

Name of acid formed when sulfur oxides mixes with rainwater?

I think it is Nitrogen Oxide. The nitrous oxide condenses with the rain to give the nitric acid, sulfur dioxide condenses with the rain to give sulfuric acid, carbon dioxide combines with the rain to give carbonic acid . These three acids constitute the acid rain.

Which gas is made when sulfur react with oxygen?

Sulfur dioxide gas is produced when sulfur reacts with oxygen.

Is sulfur dioxide amphoteric?

No, sulfur dioxide is not amphoteric. It is a acidic oxide that reacts with water to form sulfurous acid.

What pollutants is a brown gas nitrogen dioxide sulfur dioxide carbon dioxide nitric dioxide?

Nitrogen Dioxide

When sulfur reacts with air to give sulfur dioxide what is it called?
