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The word ferious appears to be an altered form of furious (very angry) or possibly ferrous (made of iron). Perhaps an angry robot, who knows.

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It seems like "ferious" may be a misspelling. If you meant "furious," it is expressing extreme anger or frustration. If you meant something else, please provide more context.

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What is an example of what scrap metal yards buy?

old broken appliances, cars, broken lamps, vacuums, motors, electric motors, anything electronic, anything with metal. For details, check out the How To under related links.------- Anything made of steel, iron, stainless, copper, brass, bronze, aluminum, electric motors, compressors, ferious and non-ferious metals.

How did people react when President Lincoln gave a speech about the Emancipation Proclamation?

The Southern reaction was ferocious. These states continued did not respond after Lincoln issued this proclamation. The South also did not respond to Lincoln's preliminary Emancipation Proclamation.

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"ave maria e zato la mia ave maria e zato la mia e fe me rus si da to ave maria maria e zato la mia treous promodia ferious ave maria e zato la mia ave maria e zato la mia e fe me rus si da to "

How do you spell ferious?

"Ferias" is the plural of "Feria" - the Spanish for feastday/festival/fair.The possible English words are ferrous (containing iron) or furious (very angry).

What are the lyrics to Ave Maria from the Cowboy Bebop?

"ave maria e zato la mia ave maria e zato la mia e fe me rus si da to ave maria maria e zato la mia treous promodia ferious ave maria e zato la mia ave maria e zato la mia e fe me rus si da to " ~ See related link below .

Is there really fairy's?

yes there are many people have seen fairies others say the did to get money still there are fairies a long time ago were fairies and other creatures roamed this earth they shared it with mortals. A valor man once stepped up and declared to the people that its the humans land and to kill a fairy will be more than a pleasure it will be a reward 500 gold coins for wom ever killed a fairy. At twilight a little girl went to the fairies and told them the tragity she offered her assistence to help them live. Finally morning broke and villages came and started to kill all fairies. One ugly ferious peasent saw the girl and kicked her saying that its his money! With such amazing power the girl grab little pebbles crystals to be exacte and called the fairies to grabs them. Every time a fairy grabed a stone they turned invisabele. They were safe except for the girl they grabed her and brought her two the valor man who was now king and they decided to kill her and so they did. The fairies asked God if she could be a fairy and he agreed. Once in a blue moon a fairy will reavale them self or you can prove yourself worthy to see these magnifesint creatures.

In which Mississippi site were black soldiers massacred after their surrender?

There was one in Tennessee and one in Louisiana, but I don't see any for Mississippi. The Battle of Fort Pillow, also known as the Fort Pillow Massacre, particularly in the North, was fought on April 12, 1864, at Fort Pillow on the Mississippi River in Henning, Tennessee, during the American Civil War. The battle has caused great controversy about whether a massacre of surrendered African-American troops was conducted or condoned by Confederate Major General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Military historian David J. Eicher wrote, "Fort Pillow marked one of the bleakest, saddest events of American military history." Later, black Union soldiers marched into Mississippi and they were suprised by a ferious attack by General Nathan Forest's forces at a place called Brices Crossroads. The outnumbered Confederates overwhelmed the Union troops, who fled for their lives back to the safety of Memphis, TN. Some of the black troops were wearing pins that read "Remember Fort Pillow"---but they promptly tore them off. (just a bit of associated trivia; Brices Crossroads was not a massacre) Before dawn on June 7, 1863, a force of 1,500 Texans commanded by Brig-Gen Henry E. McCulloch approached the Federal outpost at Milliken's Bend, a short distance above Vicksburg on the Louisiana side of the Mississippi. The outpost was manned by 1,061 troops---one regiment of whites and three regiments of recently recruited black soldiers, known as the African Brigage. Sensing easy victory, McCulloch's Confederates charged, shouting "No Quarter!" A desperate hand-to-hand struggle ensued. The outnumbered Federals, wielding bayonets and using their guns as clubs, contested each foot of territory as they were driven back toward the Mississippi. Many of the Union soldier fell before the Texans; others were captured. Then the tide of battle suddenly shifted. Two Federal gunboats dispatched from upriver by Admiral Porter began to pour fire into the Confederate ranks, compelling them to retreat. Of the 652 Federals lost at Milliken's Bend, 566 were from the black regiments. Most of the freedmen taken risoner during the battle were returned to slavery. But the bravery of those troops left an indelible impression on their fellow Federals. An admiring officer declared; "I never more wish to hear the expression 'The N---- won't fight.'" Quoted from TIME-LIFE Civil War series, volume "War on the Mississippi. Note; the above took place in Louisiana and may or may not be called a massacre. The Confederates lost 185. The higher casualties among the blacks could be due to lack of military training. Also see: Chapdog82-- This was definitely not a slaughter.. it was just another chapter in the most successful slave revolt in US History.. They performed as best can be expected of men 3 weeks in the army with no training in the face of rebel veterans.

What animal would win in these great animal fights?

Leopard vs Cougar=Leopard wins because a leopard is more ferious/vicious and stronger than the cougar leopard can kill a cougar by biting to he neck of the cougar.Wolf vs Fox=Wolf wins because foxes are not that fighting type there the camouflage type and wolfs are 4x stronger than a fox. and chase the fox and biting the fox stomach.Hyena vs Kodiak Bear=Kodiak Bear wins all the way kodiak bears are like 20x stronger than a hyena and will kill a hyena by just swapping the face of the hyena and scrating the hyena up.Tiger vs Lion=Tiger wins because a tiger can just chase the lion away and bite the lion to the neck and drag it to its territory and finish eating the lion.Jaguar vs Cougar=Jaguar wins because a jaguar will stalk the cougar and chase it and bite the cougar to the skull and find a safe place and finish eating the whole cougar.Crocidile vs Alligator=Crocidile wins even though they look the same crocidiles ar slight more stronger than the alligator and will kill the alligator.Snow Leopard vs Cheetah=Cheetah wins because a cheetah will chase the snow leopard and leap onto it and bite it on the neck and will kill the snow leopard.Polar Bear vs Grizzly Bear=Polar Bear wins because a polar bear has a stronger bite force than a grizzly bear and a grizzly bear has stronger paw a polar bear will eventually bite the grizzly bear up.Jaguar vs Wolf=Jaguar wins because a jaguar has the strongest bite force of all big cats in the world and will eventualy stalk the wolf chase it and leap on it and get a grip on the wolf and will bite the wolf skull.Tiger vs Kodiak Bear=Tiger wins even though kodiak bears are little heavier than tigers tiger can jump on the kodiak bear and kill it.Leopard vs Crocidile=Leopard wins because a leopard can kill a crocidile by sneaking on the crocidile and bite it on the neck and will kill the crocidile.Cheetah vs Polar Bear=Polar Bear because a polar bear will beast on a cheetah like a cheetahs a play toy in plus a cheetah will be too scared to battle a polar bear anyways and will never meet a polar bear but a polar bear can still beast on it.