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Farming means "creating" thus chemical farming means creating chemicals.

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Chemical farming, also known as conventional farming, refers to the use of synthetic chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to maximize crop yields. This method aims to control pests and weeds, boost plant growth, and enhance productivity. However, it has been associated with environmental pollution, soil degradation, and health concerns.

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Q: What is chemical farming?
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What are the uses of chemical Fertilisers?

Chemical fertilizers are used to provide essential nutrients to plants to enhance growth and increase crop yields. They help replenish soil nutrients that may be depleted due to intensive farming practices. Additionally, chemical fertilizers can be tailored to specific plant needs, making them a versatile tool for agriculture.

What is chemical runoff?

Chemical runoff refers to the process in which chemicals used in agriculture, industry, or households are washed away by rainwater or irrigation and end up in rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. This runoff can lead to water pollution and harm aquatic ecosystems.

why pollution is less due to organic agriculture as compared to chemical intensive agriculture?

Organic agriculture typically avoids synthetic chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides, which can contaminate soil and water sources. Also, organic farming practices focus on soil health and biodiversity, which can help sequester carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These factors contribute to lower pollution levels associated with organic agriculture compared to chemical-intensive agriculture.

What is substance farming?

Substance farming involves cultivating crops and plants for the purpose of producing substances such as drugs, pharmaceuticals, essential oils, or other biologically active compounds. This type of farming is often highly specialized and requires specific knowledge and skills to ensure the quality and quantity of the substances being produced.

Is chemical stability a physical or chemical properties?

Chemical property

Related questions

What is the difference between the nutritional value of food products obtained by organic farming and chemical farming?

there isn't any difference

What is the method of growing crops without using chemical fertilizers is called?

This method is normally referred to as either organic farming or traditional farming.

Can you give Differences between chemical farming and organic farming?

Chemical farming is done by using chemical pesticides, fungicides and by using artificial fertilizers which not only harms plants but can also pollute the surrounding environment, if put in excess. Also if these chemicals are used over a land for a long time the land starts losing all its minerals and other useful stuffs hence leaving the land useless. While organic farming is done with minimum use or no use of chemicals. In this type of farming, manure and natural fertilizers are used which are biodegradable and thus do not pollute the environment. Also, it has an advantage over land that land is always fertile.

What are five highlights of the differences between traditionl and modern methods of farming?

Five highlights of the differences between traditional and modern methods of farming are:Traditional farming did not use chemical fertilizers and pesticides; modern farming does use them.Traditional farming tilled the land before planting crops; some types of modern farming is non-till farming.Traditional farming used heirloom or hybrid seeds, modern farming often uses genetically modified seeds.Traditional farming was done by small farmers; modern farming is mostly done by large corporate farmers.When raising animals, traditional farming allowed the animals to graize in fields; modern corporate farming raises animals in factory farms where they are kept in small pens and do not get to graize in fields.

Methods of intensive farming?

One way is they use artificial/chemical fertilizers for the soil to encourage the crops to grow faster.

How does farming cause polltion?

Farming can cause pollution through the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides that can leach into water sources and soil, leading to contamination. Additionally, livestock farming can contribute to air pollution through methane emissions from animal waste. Soil erosion from unsustainable farming practices can also result in sedimentation of water bodies, causing pollution.

What is the organic farming rule?

Do no environmental harm is the organic farming rule. Organic farmers therefore refrain from chemical, genetically modified, non-local, and off-site inputs. Organic farming requires attention to the health of the soil and of its soil food web and the coordination of well-being with weather and wildlife.

What are two ways that modern farming methods are different from traditional farming methods?

Modern farming methods are different from traditional farming methods in the chemicals they use to help control weeds. Traditional methods dictate that crops had to be hoed to control weeds. Nutrients are also being placed in soil to replace those lost over the winter. Composting was a traditional method of restoring chemical balance to the soil.

What is organic farming in detail?

Local, micro-level, non-genetically modified, non-synthetic, and on-site are the descriptive details regarding organic farming. Organic farming involves procedures which do not admit chemical inputs or genetic modification. It requires reliance upon immediately available resources so as to avoid preservatives and to maximize freshness and quality.

What is nonindustrial farming?

There does not seem to be any clear definition for non-industrial farming such as there is for industrial agriculture. However, it is clear that it generally refers to farming methods which do not utilize industrial agriculture methods, whether due to lack of input financing (subsistence farming), personal farmer choice (organic farming), or some other reason. Non-industrial agriculture would be typified by the lack of agricultural machinery such as tractors and combine harvesters, lack of biotechnology (GMO's), lack of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and so on.

Who does farming benefit?

Farming benefits everyone who eats, no matter what they feel about farming, how much they know about farming, or how involved with farming they are.

What types of Agriculture are practiced in Canada?

All the types that are practiced in the United States: livestock farming, crop farming, tree farming, fruit and vegetable farming, mixed farming, commercial farming, sustainable farming, hobby farming, corporate farming, ranching, the list goes on.