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Atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. All of the atoms of the same element have the same number of protons, and therefore the same atomic number. For example, all hydrogen atoms have one proton in their nuclei, and hydrogen's atomic number is 1; and all carbon atoms have six protons in their nuclei, and carbon's atomic number is 6. Each element's identity is determined by its atomic number. The relationship between the periodic table and atomic number is that the elements are arranged in the periodic table according to increasing atomic number, starting with hydrogen and ending with Ununoctium, which has an atomic number of 118.

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3mo ago

The atomic number is the number of protons in an atom's nucleus. It determines the element's identity on the Periodic Table because each element has a unique number of protons. Elements are arranged on the periodic table in order of increasing atomic number.

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8y ago

Atomic number is the number or protons in the nucleus of the element. The periodic table is arranged from elements with small atomic number to those with large atomic number.

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7y ago

The atomic number is the number of protons that an atom has. That's the sequence for the periodic table.

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7y ago

The atomic number of an element is the number of protons (or electrons) in an element. Elements in the periodic table are arranged according to their atomic numbers.

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According to the modern periodic table "Elements are the periodic function of their atomic number".They are arranged in increasing atomic no. in the periodic table.

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Elements are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic number in the periodic table.

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The atomic number on the periodic table is the number of protons for the element.

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The elements on the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

What is an atomic number and what is its relationship with the periodic table?

the atomic number is the number of protons in a certain element. elements are arranged on the periodic table by atomic number in increasing order

How do you tell the atomic number of an atom?

The atomic number of each element is on the periodic table. The elements are arranged on the periodic table in order of increasing atomic number.

What is the number on the periodic table?

The large number on the periodic table is the atomic number. There is a smaller number that is the atomic weight. For example, Titanium's atomic number is 22 and its atomic weight is 47.867.

Is the modern periodic table organized by atomic number?

Yes.The modern Periodic Table is organized by atomic number. The elements properties are found to be periodic.

Is The modern periodic table is organized by atomic number?

Yes.The modern periodic table is organized by atomic number. The elements properties are found to be periodic.

Hydrogen is before helium on the periodic table because the periodic table arranges elements by increasing .?

atomic number

Is periodic table arranged in order of increasing atomic number?

The modern version of the periodic table is arranged according to the atomic number.