

What is another name for flourite?

Updated: 5/29/2024
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12y ago

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Another name for flourite is fluorspar.

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Is flourite metallic?

No. Flourite is nonmetallic.

Is flourite a mineral?

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Is flourite a common cementing agent for sandstones?

No. Flourite is not very abundant.

Where to find flourite?

every where

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What is the density of flourite?

The density of fluorite is typically around 3.18 to 3.30 grams per cubic centimeter.

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Is flourite a mica mineral?

No, it does not have perfect cleavage and it is not hydrous.

What are some minerals?

Amethyst ,Graphite, talc, calcite, corrundum, flourite, ruby, etc.

Is fluoride a mineral or a crystal?

Fluoride is an ion. Flourite is a mineral. Like all minerals, it is crystalline.