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Deuterium is a stable isotope of hydrogen, with one proton and one neutron in its nucleus. It is used in the fusion stage of a hydrogen bomb to initiate the explosive chain reaction.

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Q: What is a stable isotope of hydrogen and an essential part of the hydrogen bomb?
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What elements are in atom bombs?

if the bomb is a fission bomb it will use uranium 235 for fuel. if the bomb is a thermonuclear bomb (fusion) it will use the element hydrogen and an isotope of hydrogen for fuel.

What is the most powerful fusion weapon?

The most powerful fusion weapon developed so far is the hydrogen bomb, also known as a thermonuclear bomb. It combines nuclear fission and fusion reactions to release an immense amount of energy, thousands of times more powerful than atomic bombs.

Why hydrogen is not an energy source?

Ever heard of the hydrogen bomb? It is less stable than you might expect. The above answer is not really correct. A hydrogen bomb is not related to hydrogen gas in this sense. You can run a car engine off hydrogen gas fairly easily and safely in a controlled environment. The problem is to find a cheap source of hydrogen.

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The first atomic bomb, "Little Boy," contained uranium-235 as its radioactive isotope.

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What size of Hydrogen Bomb? How many megatons? the biggest size of hydrogen bomb can done ...........

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The Hydrogen Bomb .

Which is more destructive a nuclear bomb or a hydrogen bomb?

A hydrogen bomb (thermonuclear bomb) is more destructive than a regular nuclear bomb (fission bomb). Hydrogen bombs release much larger amounts of energy and have the potential to create significantly more devastation and damage.

What is the Uranium bomb?

A bomb containing highly enriched uranium (in the isotope 235U) as explosive.

What is an h-bomb?

hydrogen bomb

What is the most giant hydrogen bomb?

The 50 Megaton "Tsar Bomba" hydrogen bomb tested by the USSR in 1961 is the strongest hydrogen bomb ever detonated. The 10 Megaton "Ivy Mike" hydrogen bomb tested by the U.S. in 1952 is the physically largest hydrogen bomb ever detonated.

Who was using the hydrogen bomb?

the hydrogen bomb has never been used in war