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Cations are positive such as H+ or they are metals and hydrogen. Anions are negative such as sulphate, phosphate, carbon ion, etc. they are the non metals and metaloids.

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Elinor McDermott

Lvl 13
βˆ™ 1y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

An ion is an atom or molecule that has an unequal number of protons and electrons, resulting in a positive or negative charge. Positively charged ions are called cations, while negatively charged ions are called anions.

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Q: What is a ion called?
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The SCN- ion is called thiocyanate ion.

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The ion formed by chlorine is called chloride. It has a charge of -1.

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An ion that exits by itself is called a free ion.

What is an atom with an electrical charge on it called?

An atom with an electrical charge is called an ion. Ions can be positively charged (cations) if they have lost electrons, or negatively charged (anions) if they have gained electrons.

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An atom is called an ion if there is a charge on it - positive or negative.

What is the specific name for a negative ion is an?

A negative ion is called an anion, while a positive ion is called a cation.

What is an atom called when it has a charge?

An atom with a charge is called an ion. If the atom gains electrons, it becomes a negative ion (anion), while if it loses electrons, it becomes a positive ion (cation).

What do you call an atom that gains or loses electrons?

An atom that gains or loses electrons is called an ion. If an atom gains electrons, it becomes a negatively charged ion (anion), and if it loses electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion (cation).

What is cesium' me ion name?

The cesium ion is called cesium ion or Cs+.

How is an iodine ion named?

An iodine ion is named based on its charge. If it has a -1 charge, it is called an iodide ion. If it has a +1 charge, it is called an iodine ion.