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A conjugate acid is formed when a base gains a positive hydrogen Ion (H+), and thus, having the ability to lose this ion becomes a weak acid. The opposite is true when forming a conjugate base, an acid loses a H+ ion and therefore is a base, as it is able to steal ions.

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Mossie Auer

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2y ago
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3mo ago

A conjugate acid pair consists of an acid and its corresponding base after the acid has donated a proton. The acid in the pair donates a proton, becoming a base, and the base in the pair accepts a proton, becoming an acid. The members of a conjugate acid-base pair always differ by one proton.

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What is the conjugate acid pair of Cl?

The conjugate acid of Cl- is HCl. The Cl- ion is the base form, while HCl is the acid form when it gains a proton.

What is transferred between a conjugate acid base pair?

In a conjugate acid-base pair, a proton (H+) is transferred between the members of the pair. The acid donates a proton to become its conjugate base, while the base accepts a proton to become its conjugate acid.

Is an example of a conjugate acid-base pair?

An example of a conjugate acid-base pair is HCl (hydrochloric acid) and Cl- (chloride ion). In this pair, HCl donates a proton to become Cl-, making HCl the acid and Cl- the conjugate base.

Is HF and H a conjugate acid base pair?

Yes, HF and F- are a conjugate acid-base pair. HF is the acid, and when it donates a proton, it forms the conjugate base, F-. Conversely, F- can accept a proton to form HF, making them a conjugate pair.

A conjugate acid-base pair differs by several h ions?

A conjugate acid-base pair differ by one proton (H+) ion. The acid loses a proton to form its conjugate base, while the base gains a proton to form its conjugate acid. This proton transfer results in the formation of a conjugate pair.

What is conjugate acid- base pair?

An acid base pair which differ from each other by a single proton(H+ ion) is called a conjugate pair. Eg. Acid Base HCl Cl- NH3 NH4+ H2O H3O+

What does a conjugate acid-base pair differ by?

A conjugate acid-base pair differs by the presence or absence of a proton (H+ ion). The acid in the pair donates a proton to become its conjugate base, while the base accepts a proton to become its conjugate acid. They have the same chemical formula, but differ by one proton.

What is an acid pair know as?

An acid pair is known as a conjugate acid-base pair. It consists of an acid (donates a proton) and its corresponding base (accepts a proton) related by the transfer of a proton. In the pair, the acid gains a proton to form its conjugate base, and the base loses a proton to become its conjugate acid.

What is the conjugate base and conjugate acid for HSO4-?

The conjugate base and conjugate acid for HS04 is: Conjugate acid is H2SO4 Conjugate base is SO42

What is an conjugate acid?

An acid base pair which differ from each other by a single proton(H+ ion) is called a conjugate pair. Eg. Acid Base HCl Cl- NH3 NH4+ H2O H3O+

Is H2SO4 and SO4-2 conjugate acid base pair?

Yes, H2SO4 and SO4-2 are a conjugate acid-base pair. In this pair, H2SO4 is the acid that donates a hydrogen ion (H+) to become its conjugate base, SO4-2, which is the resulting species after losing a proton.

What are examples of conjugate acid base pair?

Some examples of conjugate acid-base pairs are HCl and Cl-, H2O and OH-, NH3 and NH4+.