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Q: What is a compound word with the word shell in it?
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What is a compound word for shell?


compound word for shell?


What are the compound nouns for shell?

Examples of compound nouns for the word 'shell' are:bombshellclam shelleggshellnutshellseashellshellfireshellfishshell shockedsoft-shelltortoiseshell

Is seashell a compound word?

Yes, "seashell" is a compound word because it is made up of two words, "sea" and "shell," combined to create a new word with a specific meaning.

Is the word shell a compound noun?

No, the noun 'shell' is not a compound noun.A compound noun is a noun made up of two or more words joined to form a noun with a meaning of its own.Examples of compound nouns:bombshellclam shellcockleshelleggshellnutshellseashellshellfireshellfishshell shock

Is selfish a compound word?

No it isn't. You can find self and fish in it, but they share the letter f, so it is not a compound word. The words would have to be completely different without sharing the same letter. Shellfish would be a compound because it has Shell and Fish, with no overlap of letters.

What chemical compound the shell of a clam made of?

The shell of a clam is primarily made of calcium carbonate. This compound gives the shell its hardness and strength to protect the soft body of the clam.

Is the word building a compound word?

No, building is not a compound word.

How do you spell the compound word of does not?

The contraction (not a compound word) is doesn't.

Is upward a compound word?

Upwards is a compound word.

What is the compound word in this sentence What is the compound word in this sentence?

There is no compound word.A compound word is a word like bus-stop.Husban is spelt like this husband

Is the word upstairs a compound word?

Upstairs is a compound word, so it is one word.