Some examples of solid compound words are: butterfly, notebook, bedroom, and rainbow.
Some compound words related to science:airwaybackbonebloodstreamearlobeearthquakeearthwormelectromagneticeyeballfingernailhummingbirdkneecapladybuglandslidemountainsideradioactiverainfallspaceshipsunlightsunshineturtledovetoenailultravioletwaterfall
In science, a compound is a substance made up of two or more different elements chemically bonded together. These elements are in a fixed ratio, and the compound has its own unique properties that are different from the elements it is composed of.
In science, a compound is a substance made up of two or more different elements chemically bonded together. Compounds can have varying appearances depending on their composition, ranging from solid crystals to liquids or gases. The properties of a compound are determined by the types of elements in the compound and their arrangement.
A compound is a substance formed from two or more different elements chemically bonded together. These elements are held together by covalent bonds, where they share electrons to achieve stability. Examples include water (H2O) and methane (CH4).
Give Examples Of Products Of Science
Examples of power from applied science include depletion of trees and coal. Additional examples of applied science are invitro-fertilization and cloning.
Examples of compounds are:watersaltperoxide
bio technology
give at least 5 example of mechanics?
Be the Club not the Atom
Some examples of closed compound nouns are:arrowrootbaseballcardboarddeadbeatelderberryfireplacegoalposthouseboaticebergjumpsuitkeepsakelunchboxmeatloafnotebookoutsideportholequartermasterrooftopsoapsudstenderfootunderdogviewpointwarthogyearbookzooplankton