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Magnetite - Iron Oxide is available in black.

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3mo ago

A black metallic oxide is a type of compound formed by a metal combining with oxygen that appears black in color. These oxides typically have unique properties and uses depending on the specific metal involved. Examples include manganese dioxide and iron oxide.

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Q: What is a Black metallic oxide?
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When water is mixed with a metallic oxide, a metal hydroxide is typically formed. This reaction is known as a neutralization reaction, which involves the combination of the hydroxide ion from water with the metal ion from the metallic oxide.

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Aluminum oxide is not considered metallic because it is a ceramic material. It is a compound formed between aluminum and oxygen, and it exhibits properties such as high hardness, electrical insulation, and thermal resistance.

What is the word equation for zinc oxide plus magnesium?

The word equation for zinc oxide plus magnesium is magnesium + zinc oxide → magnesium oxide + zinc.

What substance is formed when water is added to metallic oxide?

When water is added to a metallic oxide, it forms a metal hydroxide (also known as basic oxide) and releases heat in an exothermic reaction. For example, when water is added to calcium oxide, it forms calcium hydroxide.

What is produced when a non metallic oxide is mixed with water?

When a non-metallic oxide reacts with water, it forms an acid. For example, when sulfur dioxide (non-metallic oxide) reacts with water, it forms sulfuric acid.

Is there lead in metallic oxide?

Metallic oxides typically do not contain lead, as lead is a separate element on the periodic table. Lead oxide (PbO) is a compound that can be formed when lead reacts with oxygen, but it is not typically found in metallic oxides.

When 1.187 grams of metallic oxide is reduced with excess hydrogen 1.054 grams of the metal is produced What is the metallic oxide?

The molar mass of the metal can be found by taking the difference in mass before and after reduction. The difference in mass is 0.133 grams and the molar mass of the metal is determined to be 29 grams/mol, suggesting the metallic oxide is iron (III) oxide (Fe2O3).