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Sea intakes all the polluted fluids incoming from rivers and drainage meeting the sea. There had been several instances of ship with gigantic load of chemicals and specially oil capsizing. Many abuses in the form of unloading hazardous wastes into the sea have also been identified. All these aberration i currently in vogue. Heavy metal namely Mercury, Cadmium and Lead have been found in marine lives being used as food by human being. mercury poisoning after ingesting fishes from a Osaka bay in Japan is a recent example.

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Heavy metal contamination in seafood refers to the presence of toxic metals such as Mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic in marine organisms like fish and shellfish. These heavy metals can accumulate in seafood due to pollution in the environment and can have harmful effects on human health when consumed in high levels. It is important to monitor and regulate heavy metal levels in seafood to ensure food safety.

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Is metallic bonding between metal and a metal?

Yes, metallic bonding occurs between atoms of metal elements. In this type of bonding, valence electrons are delocalized and move freely throughout the metal structure, creating a "sea of electrons" that holds the metal atoms together in a lattice structure.

How are atoms held together in a in solid potassium metal?

In solid potassium metal, atoms are held together by metallic bonding, where the outer electrons are delocalized and free to move throughout the structure. This leads to a "sea of electrons" surrounding positively charged metal ions, creating a strong attraction that holds the atoms together in a lattice structure.

What is the method of formation for metallic bonds?

In metallic bonding, positively charged metal ions are surrounded by a "sea" of delocalized electrons. The electrostatic attraction between the positive metal ions and the negative delocalized electrons holds the metal atoms together in a lattice structure. This results in properties such as high electrical and thermal conductivity, malleability, and ductility in metals.

What type of elements form metallic bonds?

Only metal elements can form metallic bonds. Metallic bonding occurs when the outer electrons in metal atoms are delocalized and free to move throughout the material, creating a sea of electrons that hold the metal atoms together.

Is sea salt moist?

SEA SALT CONTAINS WATER OF CRYSTALISATION BUT APPEARS DRY. Sort of. It has more moisture than table salt which is from a mine while sea salt is a natural product from the ocean. If you have some make sure you store it in something that is not metal because it will react to the metal.

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Mercury is a heavy metal, it will sink in sea water.

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The most polluted sea is the Mediterranean Sea due to high levels of plastic pollution, sewage contamination, and industrial waste. It faces challenges from high population density, intensive agriculture, and heavy maritime traffic.

Food safety for sea food?

Sea food should be fresh to eat. The smell of the product should be simular to the small of the sea and NOT a fish smell as this is cause by the product starting to show signs of deteriation. With fish you will see a link gill in fresh meat and not discoloured. Fish products should be kept at about 4 degrees to maintain its freshness. Sea food should not be consumed if its caught in polluted water, this can and does generate a cross contamination to the food chain. Some sea food products when cuaught must be prepared very carefully i.e. the removal of dead mans fingers in crabs is very important as is the removal of waste from all shell fish.

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i don't know that's way ay asced you

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