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genetics purpose and porn

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Cheyanne Tremblay

Lvl 13
2y ago
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3mo ago

DNA profiling is commonly used in forensics to identify individuals, establish paternity/maternity, and solve crimes. It can also be used in genealogical research to trace ancestry and in medical diagnostics to identify genetic disorders.

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9y ago

DNA samples are taken from the suspects and the victims at the crime scene. PCR is used to amplify the quantity of DNA and restriction enzymes are used to cut them. These DNA fragments are then placed between electrodes for the process of electrophoresis, where the application of an electric field causes the fragments to separate according to their sizes. DNA profiles are created as a result. Comparison is made between the banding patterns to identify criminals and victims.

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12y ago

Well here is several.

Applications of DNA fingerprinting and Forensic Science:

a). convict a suspect

b.) exonerate a convict

c.) identify crime victims

d.) prove paternity

e.) seek family lineage

f.) study plant, human and animal fossils

g.) seek the origin of nonhuman materials (ex. caviar origin)

h.) protect endangered species (by proving the origin of contraband animal products).

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10y ago

DNA profiling is used for many reasons. Some of these include: establishing paternity , identifying siblings, and helping to solve crimes.

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15y ago

DNA fingerprinting can be used to trace a criminal and it is also used to work out the biological parents of an orphaned child.

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10y ago

if a manner of death has been identified what is the next steps for an ivestigaton

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11y ago

i can be used since its legal but many may argue that its a infiltration of personality and that it should be banned.on the other side it is very helpfull when identifying people

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9y ago

when your friend want to know who is you and when your friend have interest to you

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9y ago

DNA profiling is used in forensic cases and paternity cases.

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Q: What is DNA profiling used for?
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A specific marker with a single peak indicates that the individual is with respect to that particular STR marker?

A single peak for a specific STR marker indicates that the individual has two identical alleles at that particular locus. This information can be used in DNA profiling for identification and genetic testing purposes.

What is the chemical used by forensic experts to identify the finger prints?

Forensic experts typically use a chemical called ninhydrin to develop latent fingerprints. Ninhydrin reacts with amino acids present in the oils and proteins of fingerprints, producing a purple or blue color that makes the prints visible for analysis.

What is color profiling?

Color profiling is the process of calibrating and characterizing a device, such as a monitor or printer, to ensure consistent and accurate color reproduction. It involves creating a profile that defines how colors should be displayed or printed based on the device's capabilities. Color profiling helps ensure that colors appear consistently across different devices or platforms.

What instrument is used to load the DNA into the gel?

A micropipette or a loading dye is typically used to load DNA samples into the wells of an agarose gel.

What is the function of chloroform in DNA extraction?

Chloroform is used in DNA extraction to separate the DNA from other cellular components. It is primarily used to remove proteins by denaturing them, allowing the DNA to be purified and collected in the aqueous phase of the extraction. Chloroform is a key reagent in the organic extraction step of DNA isolation procedures.

Related questions

What can't DNA profiling be used for?

DNA profiling is used by forensic experts to identify an individual. This technique is mostly used for parental testing and crime investigation.

Which part of a blood cell is used for DNA profiling?

The white blood cell is used for DNA profiling as it contains the nucleus which houses the DNA. Red blood cells do not have a nucleus or DNA.

How do you process the gel in DNA profiling?


What is the function of allele ladder in DNA profiling?

An allele ladder is used as a reference for determining the sizes of DNA fragments in a sample during DNA profiling. It contains known fragments of DNA of varying sizes that are used to calibrate the gel electrophoresis results, allowing for accurate comparison and identification of the sizes of DNA fragments in the sample.

What is an allele ladder and what is its function in DNA profiling?

An allele ladder is a mixture of DNA fragments of known sizes used as a reference in DNA profiling. It helps determine the size of unknown DNA fragments by comparing them to the ladder's known sizes. This allows for accurate identification of the alleles present in a sample for forensic or paternity testing purposes.

What is DNA analysis used for other than DNA profiling?

Another thing is to look for genetic damage or change in chromosome number which can lead to birth defects.

How do scientist discover that gorillas similar to humans?

DNA profiling proved that we share 98% of our DNA with primates.

What is DNA profile?

DNA profiling is a technique employed by forensic scientists to assist in the identification of individuals on the basis of their respective DNA profiles.

Why is DNA fingerprinting unreliable?

DNA fingerprinting is not as reliable as regular DNA profiling. Statistics show that about one out every 800,000 people have the same DNA fingerprint.

What is the test used to identify individuals by anazlyzing sections of DNA?

The test used to identify individuals by analyzing sections of DNA is called DNA profiling or DNA fingerprinting. This technique compares specific DNA sequences, known as genetic markers, to determine unique genetic profiles for each individual. It is commonly used in forensic investigations and paternity testing.

What emerging technology uses the principal component of chromosomes to identify suspects?

DNA profiling

When DNA profiling is carried out the second DNA sample the one not collected at the crime scene is called the?

mitochondrial sample