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A large glucose molecule requires facilitated diffusion because it is too big to pass through the cell membrane without assistance from transport proteins. In contrast, an oxygen molecule is small enough to diffuse freely across the cell membrane through simple diffusion due to its size and hydrophobic nature.

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Q: What is A large glucose molecule requires facilitated diffusion but an oxygen molecule referring to?
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Which structure is the statement below most likely referring to A large glucose molecule requires facilitated diffusion but an oxygen molecule does not.?

A semipermeable membrane is a large glucose molecule that requires facilitated diffusion but an oxygen molecule does not.

What structure is the statement below most likely referring to A large glucose molecule requires facilitated diffusion but an oxygen molecule does not?

A large glucose molecule requires facilitated diffusion but an oxygen molecule does not is a semipermeable membrane.

Diffusion requires what?

Facilitated diffusion requires membrane proteins

Facilitated diffusion required what?

Facilitated diffusion requires membrane proteins

What requires the use of energy and help of transport proteins to move a molecule across a cell membrane?

Facilitated diffusion

What does facilitated diffusion requires?

Facilitated diffusion requires the presence of specific carrier proteins embedded in the cell membrane to help transport molecules across the membrane. These carrier proteins assist in the movement of molecules down their concentration gradient without requiring energy input from the cell.

What requires the use of energy and the help of transport proteins to move a molecule across the cell membrane?

Facilitated diffusion

What drives Facilitated diffusion?

Facilitated diffusion is driven by the concentration gradient of the molecule being transported. This means the molecule moves from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. No energy input is required for facilitated diffusion, as it relies solely on the natural tendency of molecules to move down their concentration gradient.

What is the difference between facilitated diffusion with the help of a carrier molecule with the help of a transport protein?

Facilitated diffusion is a type of passive transport (does not require energy). It is called facilitated diffusion because it utilises the carrier protein to diffuse through it. Active transport requires energy to pump certain big molecules to cross over and this uses transport protein. Basically, the difference is just the usage of energy.

A molecule such as glucose must use a protein channel to cross through a cell membrane?

This is correct. Glucose, being a large molecule, requires a protein channel called a glucose transporter to facilitate its passage through the cell membrane. Glucose transporters assist in transporting glucose molecules across the hydrophobic lipid bilayer of the cell membrane.

How is active transport different than simple and facilitated diffusion?

simple and facilitated diffusion don't require energy and are forms of passive transport. Active transport requires energy

Does the facilitated diffusion not require the cell to use energy?

It does not require the use of the cells energy.