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A base solution releases OH- and the positive radical of the base.

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4mo ago

A base solution releases hydroxide ions (OH-) into the solution. These ions are responsible for the basic properties of the solution, such as the ability to neutralize acids.

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Q: What ion is released from a base solution?
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The hydroxide ion (OH-) is the only negative ion present in an aqueous solution of an Arrhenius base.

What ion is always produced in an base solution?

This ion is the hydroxyl -OH.

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What kind of solution does a base produce?

A hydroxyl ion

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A base in solution will produce hydroxide or OH- ions.

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This is a base.

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The hydroxide ion (OH-) is part of every base. It accepts protons (H+) in solution to produce water.

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The quantity of hydrogen ions in a solution indicates whether the solution is an acid or a base.

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Answer this quest It contributes OH- ions to a solution. ion…