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A kilogram of copper heats more quickly than a kilogram of water because copper has a lower specific heat capacity than water. This means it takes less energy to raise the temperature of copper compared to water.

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Q: What heats more quickly a kilogram of water or a kilogram of copper?
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What heats faster water or copper?

Copper heats faster than water because copper is a better conductor of heat. This means that heat can move more quickly through copper compared to water, which is a poor conductor of heat. So, if you apply heat to both copper and water at the same time, the copper will heat up more rapidly.

How does copper sulphate dissolve quickly?

Copper sulfate dissolves quickly in water due to its high solubility in a polar solvent like water. The dissolution process involves breaking the ionic bonds between copper and sulfate ions, allowing them to disperse uniformly in the solvent. The high solubility and fast dissolution rate of copper sulfate in water make it an effective choice for various industrial and agricultural applications.

Which will dissolve faster copper sulfate in hot water Or copper sulfate in cold water?

Copper sulfate will dissolve faster in hot water than in cold water. This is because higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of the particles, allowing them to move more quickly and break down the crystal structure of the compound more rapidly, promoting dissolution.

How long does it take copper to heat up?

The time it takes for copper to heat up depends on factors like its thickness, the heat source, and the starting temperature. Generally, copper has good thermal conductivity and can heat up relatively quickly compared to other materials.

Will dyes affect water evaporation rate?

Dyes alone typically do not affect water evaporation rate. However, dyes can indirectly impact evaporation rate if they change the absorption properties of the water, which can influence how quickly the water heats up from sunlight and therefore evaporates.

Related questions

What heats faster water or copper?

Copper heats faster than water because copper is a better conductor of heat. This means that heat can move more quickly through copper compared to water, which is a poor conductor of heat. So, if you apply heat to both copper and water at the same time, the copper will heat up more rapidly.

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The answer will depend on how quickly, and to what temperature the geyser heats the water.The answer will depend on how quickly, and to what temperature the geyser heats the water.The answer will depend on how quickly, and to what temperature the geyser heats the water.The answer will depend on how quickly, and to what temperature the geyser heats the water.

How does a copper coil heats water?

A copper coil heats water when electricity passes through it, generating heat in the coil due to its electrical resistance. This heat is transferred to the surrounding water, raising its temperature.

Why does it take longer for a kilogram of water than a kilogram of copper to reach the same temperature?

Water has a higher specific heat capacity than copper, meaning it requires more energy to raise its temperature. This is why it takes longer for a kilogram of water to reach the same temperature as a kilogram of copper, despite both having the same mass.

In one type of solae energy systemsunlight heats air within solar panelswhich heats copper tubes fill with water what type is this?

This is a solar thermal energy system. Solar panels capture sunlight to heat air, which then heats copper tubes filled with water to produce hot water or steam for use in heating or electricity generation.

Which is the cause of a sea breeze?

Land heats and cools more quickly than water.

What heats up quicker copper gold air or water?

Gold. Metals conduct heat (and electricity) very efficiently, and gold is a better conductor than copper is.

Which dissipates heat more quickly land or water?

Land heats and cools faster than water.

Are sea and land breezes caused because the land heats and cools more quickly than the water?


Which heats more quickly land or water and why?

Land heats more quickly than water because it has a lower specific heat capacity, meaning it takes less energy to raise its temperature. Water has a higher specific heat capacity and can absorb more heat energy before its temperature increases significantly. This difference in specific heat capacity is why land heats up faster during the day and cools down faster at night compared to water.

Does Earth heat faster than water?

No, water heats up slower than land because it has a higher specific heat capacity. This means that it takes more energy to raise the temperature of water compared to land or air. As a result, land heats up and cools down more quickly than bodies of water.

Where is the copper coil in hot water heaters?

A water heater that is a tank does not have copper coils. If gas fired, there is a burner at the bottom that heats the water in the tank the same way a tea kettle is heated on the stove. An electric heater has two heating elements in the side, top and bottom that heat the water. A tankless water heater has a coil with a flame in the middle that heats the water. This type heats the water as you use it and for as long as you want. An indirectly heated tank has a heat exchange coiled tube (calorifier) mounted inside the skin of the tank. Hot water or steam travels through the tube and radiates heat into the tank water.