You can't. You can't split atoms, which have a nucleus, so therefore you can¡t split the nucleus, which is an even smaller, inner part. It's mathematically and scientifically impossible!
Actually no, Nuclear energy used in nuclear power plants and atomic bombs use the energy from a split nucleus of plutonium or uranium. So why is it that you think that a nucleus cannot be split when the USA has used a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki..... Genius.
When a proton is added to a germanium nucleus, the overall charge of the nucleus increases by one unit, making it less stable. This can lead to the germanium nucleus undergoing beta decay to regain stability, where a proton is converted into a neutron by emitting a positron and a neutrino.
An unstable nucleus can undergo radioactive decay to become more stable. This can involve emitting radiation in the form of alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays. The decay process results in a transformation of the nucleus into a different element or isotope.
Neutrons are necessary to start a fission reaction. When a neutron collides with a heavy atomic nucleus, such as uranium-235, it can induce the nucleus to split and release more neutrons, leading to a chain reaction.
Radioactive atoms spontaneously decay, emitting particles or energy in the process. This decay can result in the transformation of the atom into a different element or isotope to achieve a more stable state.
Yes, atoms can be split through a process called nuclear fission. This process involves splitting the nucleus of an atom, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of radiation. Nuclear power plants use this process to generate electricity.
nucleus. the nucleus gets the energy and the realises it to the protons and the electrons.
Electrons are not part of the atomic nucleus.
The nucleus divides once.
Chromotain (which forms chromosomes during when cells split).
A characteristic of a radioactive nucleus is that it undergoes spontaneous decay, emitting radiation in the form of alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays in order to achieve a more stable configuration.
Go boom
- for spontaneous fission the cause is an inconvenient ratio between neutrons and protons- bombardment of the nucleus with particles, especially neutrons
Rutherford. Discovered small charged nucleus of atom. Split the atom.
The amoeba dies
radiation is emmited