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If the salt solution contains chloride ion (eg. from table salt, NaCl) then silver chloride will precipitate. Both sodium and nitrate ions stay unchanged in solution.

Ag+aq + Cl-aq --> AgCls

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When silver nitrate is added to a salt solution, a precipitation reaction may occur if silver ions react with an anion in the salt solution to form an insoluble salt, known as a precipitate. The precipitate will appear as a solid settling at the bottom of the solution.

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Q: What happens when you put silver nitrate into a salt solution?
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What happens when you add silver nitrate to distilled water and to salt solution?

When silver nitrate is added to distilled water, it will dissociate into silver ions (Ag+) and nitrate ions (NO3-), causing the solution to become slightly acidic. When silver nitrate is added to a salt solution, it will react with the salt to form a precipitate of insoluble silver salt, such as silver chloride (AgCl). This will cause a milky white precipitate to form in the solution.

What is the result of silver nitrate and salt solutions?

When silver nitrate reacts with a salt solution, a precipitation of silver chloride, silver bromide, or silver iodide occurs. These solid precipitates are formed when the chloride, bromide, or iodide ions from the salt solution react with the silver ions from the silver nitrate. The specific precipitate formed depends on the type of salt and its anions present in the solution.

Can silver displace zinc from its salt solution?

Yes, silver can displace zinc from its salt solution through a redox reaction. Silver is more reactive than zinc, so in a displacement reaction, silver will replace zinc in the solution to form silver salt and zinc metal.

How do you distinguish between silver nitrate and calcium nitrate?

To distinguish between silver nitrate and calcium nitrate, you can perform a simple solubility test. Silver nitrate is soluble in water, forming a clear solution, while calcium nitrate is also soluble in water but may form a cloudy solution due to the presence of dissolved calcium ions. Additionally, you can conduct a flame test; silver nitrate produces a white flame, while calcium nitrate does not impart a distinct color to the flame.

What happens when silver nitrate is added to potassium bromate?

When silver nitrate is added to potassium bromate, a double displacement reaction occurs. Silver bromate and potassium nitrate are formed as products. This reaction typically results in the formation of a white precipitate of silver bromate.

Related questions

What happens when you add silver nitrate to distilled water and to salt solution?

When silver nitrate is added to distilled water, it will dissociate into silver ions (Ag+) and nitrate ions (NO3-), causing the solution to become slightly acidic. When silver nitrate is added to a salt solution, it will react with the salt to form a precipitate of insoluble silver salt, such as silver chloride (AgCl). This will cause a milky white precipitate to form in the solution.

What would you see when acidified silver nitrate solution is added to a solution of Low sodium salt?

When acidified silver nitrate solution is added to a solution of low sodium salt, it would form a white precipitate of silver chloride. This is due to the chloride ions in the low sodium salt reacting with the silver ions in the silver nitrate solution to form silver chloride, which is insoluble in water.

What is the result of silver nitrate and salt solutions?

When silver nitrate reacts with a salt solution, a precipitation of silver chloride, silver bromide, or silver iodide occurs. These solid precipitates are formed when the chloride, bromide, or iodide ions from the salt solution react with the silver ions from the silver nitrate. The specific precipitate formed depends on the type of salt and its anions present in the solution.

What is the result in Mixing silver nitrate and salt water?

When silver nitrate is mixed with salt water, a chemical reaction occurs where the silver nitrate reacts with the chloride ions in the salt water to form silver chloride, a white precipitate. This reaction is used in chemistry to confirm the presence of chloride ions in a solution.

Is a mixture of silver nitrate and water a solution or suspension?

A solution The nitrate ( and to some extent the sulphate)is the only common silver salt that is soluble in water. The cloride, bromide and iodide are all insoluble and so a mixture of these with water is a suspension. A solution The nitrate ( and to some extent the sulphate)is the only common silver salt that is soluble in water. The cloride, bromide and iodide are all insoluble and so a mixture of these with water is a suspension.

What effect does silver nitrate solution have upon each of the halide salt solutions?

The product is a silver halide insoluble in water.

Add a drop of silver nitrate to both a distilled water test tube and to the test tube containing the salt solution in the test tube. What do you observe?

A white precipitate will form in the test tube containing the salt solution. This indicates the presence of a chloride ion in the solution, which reacts with silver nitrate to form silver chloride. In the distilled water test tube, no precipitate will form since there are no chloride ions present to react with the silver nitrate.

If you mix aqueous of table salt and silver nitrate what do you get?

When you mix an aqueous solution of table salt (sodium chloride) with silver nitrate, a white precipitate of silver chloride is formed. This is due to the reaction between the chloride ions from the salt and the silver ions from the silver nitrate that forms a sparingly soluble product.

Is silver salts same as silver nitrate?

No, silver salts refer to a broad category of compounds containing silver combined with other elements, while silver nitrate specifically refers to the salt formed when silver is combined with nitric acid. Silver nitrate is a type of silver salt, but not all silver salts are silver nitrate.

Can silver displace zinc from its salt solution?

Yes, silver can displace zinc from its salt solution through a redox reaction. Silver is more reactive than zinc, so in a displacement reaction, silver will replace zinc in the solution to form silver salt and zinc metal.

How do you distinguish between silver nitrate and calcium nitrate?

To distinguish between silver nitrate and calcium nitrate, you can perform a simple solubility test. Silver nitrate is soluble in water, forming a clear solution, while calcium nitrate is also soluble in water but may form a cloudy solution due to the presence of dissolved calcium ions. Additionally, you can conduct a flame test; silver nitrate produces a white flame, while calcium nitrate does not impart a distinct color to the flame.

Which light yellow solution gives white precipitate with acidified silver nitrate?

The light yellow solution is likely to be sodium chromate. This solution would give a white precipitate of silver chromate when treated with acidified silver nitrate due to the formation of a sparingly soluble salt, Ag2CrO4.