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You get the chemical combination known as sulphide (SO4)

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When sulfur is mixed with oxygen, it undergoes a chemical reaction that forms sulfur dioxide. This reaction is exothermic, meaning it releases heat energy. The resulting compound, sulfur dioxide, is a colorless gas with a sharp odor.

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Q: What happens when you mix sulfur with oxygen?
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When you mix oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen, you are likely to get a mixture of gases that may include nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and potentially other nitrogen and sulfur compounds depending on the specific conditions of the experiment. These gases can have various chemical properties and potential environmental implications.

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What do you get when sulfur and oxygen mix?

If sulfur and oxygen react, the product is usually either SO2 or SO3, depending on reaction conditions. If these two elements simply mix, as the question literally states, there is not necessarily any chemical product, but a mixture results.

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Heating sulfur causes it to melt and eventually boil, producing sulfur dioxide gas. At high temperatures, sulfur can also undergo combustion to form sulfur dioxide gas and sometimes sulfur trioxide.

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When platinum, oxygen, and sulfur dioxide are mixed, platinum acts as a catalyst for converting sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide in the presence of oxygen. This reaction is an important part of the industrial production of sulfuric acid.

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The chemical equation for the reaction of sulfur and oxygen to form sulfur trioxide is: 2S + 3O2 -> 2SO3

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If it is burning and exposed to oxygen it will burn an indigo color

What is the name of SO2?

Sulfur dioxide SO2 (written with two capitals)

What happens when you add sulfur to oxygen?

When sulfur is added to oxygen, they can combine to form sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas. This reaction is exothermic and releases heat energy. Sulfur dioxide is a colorless gas with a sharp, pungent smell.

What happens when water and sulfur mix?

It turns into sulfuric acid. Then add salt, and it becomes hydrochloric acid. Awesome, huh? I have some sulfur, and I am going to try it.

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