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When you cover the top of a glass with a burning candle inside, you restrict the flow of oxygen to the flame. This causes the flame to consume the available oxygen within the glass, leading to the extinguishing of the flame due to lack of oxygen. Additionally, the heat and gases produced by the burning candle may build up within the glass.

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Q: What happens when you cover the top of a glass that has a burning candle inside?
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What happen if you cover burning candle with a glass cup and surrounds it with water?

If you cover a burning candle with a glass cup and surround it with water, the flame will eventually go out due to lack of oxygen inside the glass cup. The water surrounding the cup may help dissipate the heat generated by the candle, but it will not affect the flame itself unless the water somehow extinguishes it. It's important to exercise caution when attempting such experiments to avoid accidents.

Why does a candle extinguish itself after being covered with a glass?

When you cover a candle with a glass, it creates a limited supply of oxygen available for the flame to burn. As the flame consumes the oxygen inside the glass, it eventually uses up all the oxygen and goes out, extinguishing the flame.

Why charcoal stops burning when it is covered with a glass jar?

When charcoal is burning, it requires oxygen for the combustion reaction to continue. When you cover it with a glass jar, the oxygen supply is cut off and the flame is extinguished due to lack of oxygen. The carbon dioxide produced during combustion eventually replaces the oxygen inside the jar, resulting in the charcoal no longer being able to burn.

What happened inside a beaker and on the bottom of the glass cover after you heated the water in the beaker?

Inside the beaker, the water absorbed heat energy, causing its temperature to rise and eventually boil. The steam formed from the boiling water then condensed on the cooler glass cover, forming water droplets on the bottom due to the temperature difference between the inside and outside surfaces.

What happens as fire burns something?

As fire burns something, it releases heat and light energy through a chemical reaction with oxygen. The material being burned undergoes a process called combustion, where it is broken down into different compounds and releases byproducts like smoke and ash. The heat produced by the fire causes more material to catch fire, sustaining the burning process.

Related questions

What happen if you cover burning candle with a glass cup and surrounds it with water?

If you cover a burning candle with a glass cup and surround it with water, the flame will eventually go out due to lack of oxygen inside the glass cup. The water surrounding the cup may help dissipate the heat generated by the candle, but it will not affect the flame itself unless the water somehow extinguishes it. It's important to exercise caution when attempting such experiments to avoid accidents.

Why does a candle extinguish itself after being covered with a glass?

When you cover a candle with a glass, it creates a limited supply of oxygen available for the flame to burn. As the flame consumes the oxygen inside the glass, it eventually uses up all the oxygen and goes out, extinguishing the flame.

Why does the candle blow out when you cover it with something?

When you cover a candle, you restrict the oxygen supply that is necessary for the flame to continue burning. Without oxygen, the combustion process cannot be sustained, causing the flame to extinguish.

What experiment could you do to prove that oxygen is needed for burnig?

simply cover a burning candle with a glass to cut off the air, then the candle will burn out

Why does your fanny hurt some times?

If it hurts then cover a candle in vinegar and lemon juice and stick it inside this will numb the pain.

Why does the light of the candle turn off when the cup cover the candle and the water raises?

the candle light turns off when the cup is placed over the candle and water rushes in due to atmospheric pressure . when cup is placed on the candle all the air goes out and the glass lifts up due to the atmospheric pressure releases from outside of the cup as there is no air inside to balance the pressure exerted out of the cup . thus when the glass lifts up and the water gets into the cup .

What is red candle hanging from ceiling in front chancel?

A red candle, or a candle with a red glass cover, called the "presence candle" is used in the sanctuary to represent the presence of the Holy Spirit, it is usually never extinguished.

What happends to a burning candle if there is no oxygen?

It will simply go out as fire needs to burn oxygen, too. You can see this. Empty and clean an aluminum soda can. Place a burning candle deep in a jar. Pour a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in the soda can. Cover and shake upright. Leave the liquid in the can while you slowly pour the carbon dioxide gas into the jar and it puts the candle out by pushing all the oxygen up and out.

Who painted the scene on the inside cover of Marilyn Mansons best of album lest you forget?

Marilyn Manson painted it. The burning church is one of his few landscape paintings.

Why does a candle turn off if you cover it?

Fire is a chemical reaction; it uses oxygen to turn one substance into another. If you cover it, it can't get any oxygen from the air, and so the chemical reaction stops and the fire goes out. I borrowed the following equation from another online Q&A as an illustration. When propane (carbon and hydrogen) burns, it combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide (carbon and oxygen) and water (hydrogen and oxygen). C3H8 + 5O2 --> 3CO2 + 4H20

Why are candle shades called candle shades?

They are called candle shades because they cover the already lit candle with decorated paper to change the appearance of a room, making it more goofy or romantic and can be any shape, design or pattern and reflect off the walls. They can be used for romantic candle lite dinners.

What does a candle turn into if you burn it?

Not many people know this.. But listen. Candles are actually polycarbonade. Once you burn them they seem to melt. But not everyone knows that they release a kind of thin powder that comes out so slowly you cant tell. This powder rises and leaves a faint mark on the ceiling or whatever. Try burning a whole candle under a piece of paper. Another cool test you can do is to hold the candle right under your curtain and see what happens. It might burn your house down or it might be kinda cool. Also try eating a baby, i heard if you cover one in sugar then roast it it tastes really good