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When someone comes down from crack, they may experience symptoms like fatigue, irritability, depression, anxiety, and intense cravings for the drug. These symptoms are part of the crash or comedown phase, which can last for a few days to a week, depending on how much crack was used and individual factors. It is important to seek medical help and support during this period to manage withdrawal symptoms and prevent relapse.

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What happens to crack cocaine if you wash it in the washing machine?

Washing crack cocaine in a washing machine will likely destroy the drug as it is water-soluble and sensitive to moisture. The high temperatures and agitation in the washing machine can break down the chemical structure of the drug, rendering it ineffective.

Condensation occurs when a?

gas or vapor cools and turns back into a liquid. This process happens when the temperature of the gas decreases, causing the molecules to slow down and come closer together, forming droplets of liquid.

What are the different types of crack?

Crack cocaine is the most common form of crack, typically smoked for its intense and short-lived effects. There are also various other forms of crack, such as freebase cocaine, which is chemically similar to crack but has a different production process. However, in general, the term "crack" most commonly refers to crack cocaine.

How can I clean crack out of my system?

It is important to seek professional help such as a doctor or addiction counselor to safely and effectively address a crack cocaine addiction. Treatment may include therapy, support groups, and potentially medication to manage withdrawal symptoms. Do not attempt to detox on your own as it can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

What happens when water enters a crack of a rock and freezes in it?

When water enters a crack in a rock and freezes, it expands as it turns into ice. The force of the ice expanding can exert stress on the surrounding rock, causing the crack to widen or the rock to break apart. Over time, repeated cycles of freezing and thawing can lead to the disintegration of the rock.