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When lithium and beryllium combine, they form a compound called lithium beryllide (LiBe). This compound is mainly used in nuclear reactors due to its ability to efficiently capture neutrons. It has a high melting point and is often used as a moderator or reflector in nuclear applications.

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Q: What happens when you combine lithium and beryllium?
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When hydrogen, lithium, and beryllium atoms combine, they form a molecule with the chemical formula LiHBe. This molecule would have a unique set of properties based on the different characteristics of each element.

What happens if sulfur and beryllium combine and are heated?

When sulfur and beryllium combine and are heated, they react to form beryllium sulfide (BeS), a white solid compound. This reaction release heat and light, and caution should be taken as beryllium compounds can be toxic if inhaled.

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What is the difference between lithium and beryllium?

Lithium and beryllium are two different elements on the periodic table. Lithium is a soft silver-white metal that is used in rechargeable batteries, while beryllium is a hard, grayish metal that is toxic and often used in alloys. They have different atomic numbers, with lithium having an atomic number of 3 and beryllium having an atomic number of 4.

Are lithium and beryllium isotopes?

no it is not

What happens when you combine the elements lithium and neon?

When lithium and neon are combined, no reaction occurs because both elements are inert gases at standard conditions and do not readily form chemical compounds.

Which element is more reactive - lithium Li or beryllium be?

Lithium is more reactive.

What other elements can beryllium combine with?

Beryllium (Be) will combine in a 1-1 ratio with elements from group 16. It will combine in a 1-2 ratio with elements from group 17 (the halogens.) It will combine in a 3-2 ratio with elements from group 15. Examples: beryllium oxide - BeO; beryllium chloride - BeCl2; beryllium nitride - Be3N2.

What happens to the ionic radius values of the cations(-) as you move across period 2?

The ionc radius of lithium is bigger compared to beryllium.

What is the nuclear reaction for beryllium-7 into lithium-7?

beryllium 7 accepts a beta particle to convert to lithium 7 4Be7 + -1e0 = 3Li7

How is beryllium sililar to lithium?

Beryllium and lithium are both alkali metals with similar characteristics. They are both light metals with low density, have a relatively low melting point, and are highly reactive. However, beryllium is denser and has a higher melting point compared to lithium.

What will i get if i combine helium with beryllium?
