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When bromine is added to cyclohexene, a halogenation reaction occurs where the double bond of cyclohexene is broken and bromine adds to the carbon atoms that used to be part of the double bond. This forms a dibrominated product.

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Q: What happens when bromine is added to cyclohexene?
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Why the brown color of bromine disappear when mixed with cyclohexene?

The brown color of bromine disappears when mixed with cyclohexene because the cyclohexene undergoes a reaction with bromine called bromination. During this reaction, the bromine molecules are added across the carbon-carbon double bond of cyclohexene, forming a colorless compound. This reaction is an example of an addition reaction.

What type of reaction is Cyclohexene and Bromine?

The reaction between cyclohexene and bromine is a halogenation reaction. Bromine adds across the double bond in cyclohexene to form 1,2-dibromocyclohexane.

Equation of the reaction between cyclohexene with bromine water and potassium permanganate?

Cyclohexene reacts with bromine water to give 1,2-dibromocyclohexane. The reaction between cyclohexene and potassium permanganate results in the oxidation of cyclohexene to form adipic acid.

What is the equation reaction for cyclohexene bromine in dichloromethane?

The reaction between cyclohexene and bromine in dichloromethane results in the addition of bromine across the double bond in cyclohexene to form 1,2-dibromocyclohexane. The balanced chemical equation can be represented as: C6H10 + Br2 → C6H10Br2.

What short chemical test could you make on the product to indicate whether cyclohexene is present or absent?

One simple test to determine the presence of cyclohexene would be to perform a bromine water test. Add a few drops of bromine water to the product; if cyclohexene is present, the red-brown color of the bromine water will disappear due to addition reaction with the cyclohexene. If the color remains, it indicates that cyclohexene is absent.

What result occurs adding ethyl cyclohexene to Bromine?

The reaction between ethyl cyclohexene and bromine will result in the addition of one bromine atom across the double bond, forming 1,2-dibromoethylcyclohexane. This is an example of electrophilic halogenation of an alkene.

Why brown colour of bromine disappears when it is mixed with cyclohexene?

Bromine dissapear in this reaction !

What is the colour of the bromine with the cyclohexene?

Bromine is reddish-brown in color. When it reacts with cyclohexene, the solution initially turns from red to colorless as the bromine adds across the double bond, forming a dibromo compound.

Does cyclohexen reacte with bromine?

Yes, cyclohexene can react with bromine to form a dibromocyclohexane product through electrophilic addition. Bromine adds across the double bond of cyclohexene to form a colorless dibromocyclohexane product.

What is product of cyclohexene react with bromine?

When cyclohexene(C6H10) reacts with bromine (Br2), trans-1,2-cyclohexane.This stereochemistry is obtained because bromine acts as both an electrophile and a nucleophile creating a cyclic bromonium ion intermediate. This means the second bromine, which acts as a nucleophile, can only attack the partially positive carbon from the opposite side of the side that is a part of the cyclic bromonium ring.

What happens when bromine water is added to phenol?

tribromophenol is formed.

What happens when chlorine is added bromine ions?

When chlorine is added to a solution containing bromine ions, the chlorine will react with the bromine ions to form a mixture of chlorine and bromine compounds, such as bromine chloride. This reaction is a redox reaction where chlorine is reduced and bromine is oxidized.