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when sodium and chlorine come together to create salt they have a strong attraction between them, due to that sodium is a cation and chlorine is a anion. so they just end up sticking to each other. kind of like a magnet (+-)attract, (++)(--)repel

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3mo ago

When salt forms, sodium ions (Na+) and chloride ions (Cl-) are attracted to each other through ionic bonds, forming a stable crystal lattice structure. This arrangement allows the sodium and chlorine atoms to achieve a full outer electron shell, making the compound more stable.

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Q: What happens to the sodium and chlorine when salt forms?
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What does sodium and chlorine mixed together make?

Sodium and chlorine mixed together forms sodium chloride, which is table salt. Sodium gives up an electron to chlorine, forming an ionic bond between the two elements.

What happens when sodium and chlorine join?

It becomes salt, NaCl.

Which two elements will react to form a salt with properties most similar to sodium chloride?

Sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) will react to form a salt with properties most similar to sodium chloride. Sodium chloride is a common salt that forms when sodium metal reacts with chlorine gas.

How do elements sodium and chlorine differ from the table salt form?

Sodium and chlorine are elements on their own, whereas table salt is a compound made up of sodium and chlorine ions bonded together. Sodium is a reactive metal, while chlorine is a toxic gas. Table salt, also known as sodium chloride, is commonly used in cooking and has a distinct salty taste.

When sodium and chlorine combine what happens to the electrons?

When sodium and chlorine combine to form sodium chloride (table salt), sodium donates an electron to chlorine. Sodium becomes a positively charged ion (Na+) while chlorine becomes a negatively charged ion (Cl-). This ionic bond forms due to the attraction between the oppositely charged ions.

What two elements make up the compound salt?

Sodium and chlorine. Table salt is sodium chloride.Common table salt is composed of one sodium atom and one chlorine atom. Its chemical name, therefore, is sodium chloride, with the formula NaCl.

A chlorine atom will steal an electron from a sodium atom. The result is called an between the sodium and chlorine ions. this forms sodium chloride known as salt?

ionic bond

Does chlorine contain salt?

Chlorine itself is a chemical element and does not inherently contain salt. However, when combined with sodium, it forms sodium chloride, which is commonly known as table salt.

What 2 elements can combine with chlorine?

Sodium and oxygen can both combine with chlorine. Sodium chloride forms common table salt, while oxygen combined with chlorine forms chlorine dioxide or chlorine monoxide.

What are the scientific symbols for salt?

The chemical symbol for sodium is Na and for chlorine is Cl. When combined in a 1:1 ratio, they form the compound sodium chloride, which is commonly known as table salt.

What is the chemical composition of table salt?

Salt is an ionic compound formed by the action of an acid on a substance. Equal numbers of sodium and chlorine atoms combine to form salt. Each sodium atom loses an electron, becoming positively charge, and each chlorine atom gains an electron, becoming negatively charged. The equation for salt is: NaCl

What happens to the electrons in a chlorine atom and a sodium Adam when they combine?

When a chlorine atom and a sodium atom combine to form sodium chloride (table salt), the sodium atom loses an electron to the chlorine atom. This forms a sodium cation (Na+) and a chloride anion (Cl-). The oppositely charged ions are attracted to each other, creating an ionic bond.