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When magnesium is heated in air, it forms magnesium oxide and so the total mass increases.

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4mo ago

When magnesium is heated in air, it reacts with oxygen to form magnesium oxide. The total mass of the system, which includes the magnesium and the oxygen it reacts with, remains the same according to the Law of Conservation of Mass.

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Q: What happens to the mass when magnesium is heated in air?
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What happens to the mass of magnesium when heated?

When magnesium is heated, it undergoes a chemical reaction with oxygen in the air to form magnesium oxide. The total mass remains the same since no mass is lost or gained during a chemical reaction.

What happens when you magnesium is heated in air?

When magnesium is heated in air, it will react with oxygen to form magnesium oxide. This reaction produces a bright white light and a lot of heat, which is characteristic of a vigorous combustion reaction.

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When a magnesium strip is heated strongly in air, it undergoes a chemical reaction called oxidation. Magnesium reacts with oxygen in the air to form magnesium oxide. The mass of the strip increases because magnesium combines with oxygen atoms from the air to form a heavier compound (magnesium oxide).

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When magnesium is heated in the air, it undergoes a chemical reaction with oxygen to form magnesium oxide. This reaction increases the total mass of the crucible and its contents due to the addition of oxygen atoms from the air. The increase in mass is a result of the combination of magnesium and oxygen to form magnesium oxide.

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When magnesium is heated it reacts with oxygen in the air to for Magnesium oxide (MgO) 2Mg + O2 = 2MgO Magnesium oxide is white, so when it is heated, it produces a bright white light.

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When magnesium is heated in a crucible, it combines with oxygen from the air to form magnesium oxide (MgO).

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When magnesium bicarbonate is heated, it decomposes to form magnesium oxide, carbon dioxide, and water. The decomposition reaction releases carbon dioxide gas, which can be observed as bubbles during the heating process.

What gas or liquid is released when magnesium is heated?

When magnesium is heated, it undergoes a chemical reaction with oxygen in the air, resulting in the release of a gas called magnesium oxide (MgO).