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When you move from neon to sodium, the electron count increases from 10 to 11, as sodium has one more electron than neon. This additional electron occupies the third energy level orbital, resulting in an additional shell being added for sodium compared to neon.

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Q: What happens to the electron count and the number of shells when you move from neon to sodium?
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How many shells can an electron cloud have?

The correct number of electron clouds or shells sodium has is 3.

How many electron shells does Sodium have?

Sodium has three electron shells.

What is sodium's number of electron shells?

Sodium has 3 energy levels, 1s, 2s, 2p, and 3s.

Which of these elements has the same number of electron orbitals as the element sodium?

The element magnesium has the same number of electron orbitals as sodium - both have three electron orbitals. Sodium and magnesium are in the same period on the periodic table, which means they have the same number of electron shells.

Does mg have the same number of atomic shells as na?

No, magnesium (Mg) has 3 atomic shells while sodium (Na) has 2 atomic shells. The number of atomic shells is determined by the number of electron shells in an atom.

How many number of shells in sodium?

Sodium has 3 electron shells. The first shell can hold up to 2 electrons, while the second and third shells can hold up to 8 electrons each. Sodium has 11 electrons in total.

Is na an element?

Yes. Na is the chemical symbol for Sodium. Sodium is an Alkali Metal in Group 1 of the Periodic Table. Sodium has the atomic number 11, has 3 electron shells with 1 electron in the outer shell.

Do all alkaline metals have 2 electron shells?

No, not all alkaline metals have 2 electron shells. Alkaline metals like lithium, sodium, and potassium have 2 electron shells, but alkaline earth metals like magnesium and calcium have 3 electron shells.

Is Meave60 sure about How many electron shells does Sodium have?

i dont think so

What happens to the atomic number of sodium when it loses one electron?

The atomic number of an element represents the number of protons in its nucleus. When sodium loses one electron, it forms a positively charged ion (Na+), but the number of protons in its nucleus remains the same. Therefore, the atomic number of sodium does not change when it loses one electron.

How many electron levels does sodium 23 have?

Sodium-23 has three electron levels: the first energy level can hold up to 2 electrons, the second energy level can hold up to 8 electrons, and the third energy level can hold up to 8 electrons. Sodium has an atomic number of 11, so sodium-23 has 11 protons and 11 electrons in a neutral state.

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Among hydrogen, lithium, and sodium, hydrogen has the smallest atomic radius because it has the fewest number of electron shells and the smallest number of electrons, leading to a smaller atomic size.