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C. They are transferred between organisms as they move through the food web, with some being incorporated into the bodies of consumers to build and maintain their own biological structures, and others being released back into the environment through waste or decomposition processes.

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Q: What happens to the chemical elements that make up the molecules of living things as they pass through a food web A. All of their energy is dissipated as heat. B. They are not transferred at all. C. T?
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What is a nature of a molecules?

Molecules are formed from chemical elements associated by chemical bonds.

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Nutrients are chemical compounds; they contain molecules - and the molecules are formed from chemical elements.

What are the molecules?

Molecules are chemical entities formed from two or more elements associated by chemical bonds.

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reactant elements and molecules are used in a chemical reaction, they are not mixed or combined or produced in a chemical reaction.

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New elements can by obtained only by nuclear reactions.New molecules can be obtained by chemical reactions.

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The most important is the electronegativity of chemical elements.

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Molecules are formed by synthesis from elements; molecules are broken by chemical reactions.

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Elements form molecules of chemical compounds

When can molecules form a compound?

One defining characteristic of a chemical compound is the inclusion of two or more chemical elements. When atoms of those different elements bond in a fixed ratio, the resulting molecules constitute a chemical compound. Molecules of a single chemical element (such as O2) are not considered compounds.

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The elements or molecules that participate in a chemical reaction and yield a product.

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to form molecules

Are molecules and elements the same thing?

No, molecules and elements are not the same thing. An element is a pure substance made of only one type of atom, while a molecule is a group of atoms bonded together. Elements can exist as single atoms or as molecules depending on their chemical composition.