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Chemicals from hydrothermal vents are released into the water and can provide energy for unique ecosystems through a process called chemosynthesis. Some chemicals are used by specialized bacteria to produce organic material, supporting a variety of organisms in the vent community. Others disperse into the deep ocean and may have far-reaching effects on marine life.

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Q: What happens to chemicals that come from the hydrothermal vents?
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Is sea water metal?

Yes, seawater contains trace amounts of various metals such as iron, manganese, zinc, and copper. These metals come from various sources including the erosion of rocks and minerals on land and hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor.

What if the chemicals in a glow stick touches skin'?

The chemicals in a glow stick are generally non-toxic, but they can cause skin irritation or a burning sensation if they come into contact with skin. It is recommended to wash the affected area with soap and water if this happens. If irritation persists or if ingested, seek medical attention.

What happens when you boil a glow stick?

Boiling a glow stick can cause it to rupture, releasing the chemicals inside which can be harmful if ingested or come in contact with skin. Additionally, the heat can cause the chemicals to react uncontrollably, leading to a messy and potentially dangerous situation. It is not recommended to boil glow sticks.

What chemicals explode when they come in contact with electricity?

Chemicals that can explode when in contact with electricity include nitroglycerin, ammonium nitrate, and hydrogen gas. These chemicals are sensitive to electrical sparks or current, which can trigger a rapid release of energy leading to an explosion.

Which route of entry are chemicals absorbed into your body through your skin or eyes?

Chemicals are absorbed through the skin or eyes through the dermal route of entry. Skin absorption occurs when chemicals come into direct contact with the skin, while eye absorption occurs when chemicals get in contact with the eyes. Both routes can lead to absorption of chemicals into the bloodstream.

Related questions

What organism dos not need sunlight to survive?

There are some organisims that live on and around Hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean, where there is no sunlight at all. They feed off the nutrients that come out of the vents, and so they don't need sunlight.

What forms the energy in the deep sea hydrothermal vents?

The heat of the lava beneath the earths crust. hence the reason all the black dust and particulates come spewing out of it.

What do cold seeps and hydrothermal vents have in common?

They both come from the ocean floor? That and it probably has to do with both allowing some type of plant or animal life to survive on the ocean floor.

What is chemotrophic?

Organisms that feed off chemicals, and digest chemicals in order to get their nutrients to live. Like we need food and water to survive.All known living things are either chemotrophs or phototrophs.Some chemotrophs live at the bottom of the ocean, eating energy-rich compounds that come out of the earth at hot hydrothermal vents and at cold seeps.One Example is: a Box Turtle

What animals live in the hydrothermal vent?

Chemosynthetic bacteria and archaea form the base of the food chain.Round a hydro thermal vent, the source of energy is chemical (from Hydrogen Sulfide) rather than light. Specialised singe celled organisms from the bacteria and archaea (called chemotrophs) use the chemical energy to grow and then various more normal animals eat the bacteria.

Earliest life form come on Earth?

The earliest evidence of life on Earth comes from fossilized microorganisms that are approximately 3.5 billion years old. These microorganisms are simple bacteria-like organisms known as prokaryotes. They thrived in environments such as hydrothermal vents and shallow seas.

CAN Gnats come out of dirty air vents?

Yes, gnats can come out of dirty air vents. Gnats can actually come from anywhere. They are very pesky creatures.

What is a chemotroph?

Organisms that feed off chemicals, and digest chemicals in order to get their nutrients to live. Like we need food and water to survive.All known living things are either chemotrophs or phototrophs.Some chemotrophs live at the bottom of the ocean, eating energy-rich compounds that come out of the earth at hot hydrothermal vents and at cold seeps.One Example is: a Box Turtle

What vents are located near mid ocean ridges leaking hot water and nutrients and providing an environment for organisms to live in the deep dark water?

Hydrothermal vents are located near mid-ocean ridges, releasing hot water rich in minerals and nutrients. These vents create a unique ecosystem in the deep-sea environment, supporting specialized organisms such as tube worms, giant clams, and bacteria that rely on chemosynthesis for energy. The high temperature and chemical composition of the vent fluids play a crucial role in sustaining these life forms.

Where do some of the dissolved solids present in sea water come from?

Dissolved solids in seawater come from various sources, including weathering of rocks on land, volcanic activity, and underwater hydrothermal vents. Additionally, runoff from rivers, atmospheric deposition, and biological processes like the excretion of marine organisms also contribute to the presence of dissolved solids in seawater.

Why does no air come out of the vents?

heater fan broken.

What are some new types of heat vents?

There are several different types of heat vents. Vents come in metals such as aluminum, copper, stainless steel, bronze, and brass.