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When a fire gets too hot, it can start to burn out of control and spread rapidly. This can lead to increased damage to property and an increased risk to life. In extreme cases, a fire can become a firestorm, creating its own weather and making it very difficult to contain.

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Q: What happens to a fire when it gets too hot?
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What happens when the handle of a pot gets hot?

When the handle of a pot gets hot, it can burn your hand if you touch it. This is because the heat transfers from the pot to the handle, which can cause the metal or plastic handle to become too hot to touch safely. Using a potholder or oven mitt is recommended to protect your hands from getting burned.

If you left a pot of water on a hot stove in a closed room what could happen to the water?

The water would heat up and eventually reach the boiling point, turning into steam. If left unattended for too long, all the water could evaporate, leaving the pot empty and potentially causing a fire hazard if the pot gets too hot.

Why is using an alcohol based cleaner to remove stains from clothing then putting the clothing in a drier dangerous?

Using an alcohol-based cleaner on clothing can be dangerous if the clothing is then put in a dryer because alcohol is flammable and can pose a fire hazard when exposed to high heat. It is important to ensure that the alcohol is completely dry before placing the clothing in the dryer to avoid any potential fire risks.

What happens to a penny if it's heated?

When a penny is heated, its atoms absorb energy and start moving more rapidly, causing the penny to expand. This expansion can be visible as the penny gets slightly larger. If heated too much, the penny can also change color due to oxidation.

Will it matter what the temperature is in the room for candles?

Yes, the temperature in the room can affect how a candle burns. Extreme temperatures (very hot or very cold) can cause the candle to burn unevenly or melt too quickly. It's best to keep candles in a moderate room temperature for optimal burning.

Related questions

What happens when the body gets too hot?

The first thing that happens when the body gets too hot is it beings to sweat. This provides immediate cooling which begins controlling body temperature.

What happens if the sperm gets too hot?

no sex is good

What happens when your body gets too hot or too cold?

the body sweats alot and this can cause illness

Why is fire dangrous?

Fire can spread easily. and is is very very very hot! wonder how earth gets hot at times? the Sun is a ball of hot fire! you can die in a fire so don't get too close to a fire. if your house catches on fire it would be best to get out as soon as you can! never ever get too close to a fire.

What happens when oil gets too hot?

When oil gets too hot, it can start to smoke, degrade, and break down. This can lead to the production of harmful compounds and change the flavor and quality of the food being cooked in it. Additionally, overheated oil can become a fire hazard and should be cooled down immediately.

What happens when an amylase gets too hot?

When amylase gets too hot, it can denature, meaning its structure and function are altered. This can lead to a loss of enzymatic activity, rendering the amylase ineffective at breaking down starch into simpler sugars. Ultimately, this can impact the efficiency of processes such as digestion or fermentation where amylase is essential.

What happens if your Ipod gets too hot?

There will be a warning saying that it must cool down for it to work.

What causes a sudden change in body temperature?

When the body gets too hot we sweat. Then when its gets too hot, we start to burn and our nerves send signals to the brain which tells you too stop. Then when it gets really hot, u catch of fire. When the body gets cold, you feel like sticking your self, then u shiver.

What happens when a hard drive gets too hot?

First Off, your HDD might fail or it will get hot enough your computer will shut down then your HDD will fail either way if it gets hot it fails

What happens if the world gets to hot we will all DIE?

If the world gets too hot due to global warming, it could lead to more extreme weather events, sea level rise, and destruction of ecosystems. This could impact food production, water resources, and human health, ultimately leading to widespread negative consequences for both human and animal populations.

What happens if a mirror gets too hot?

If a mirror gets too hot, it can crack or warp due to thermal expansion. This can distort the reflection and potentially damage the mirror's surface. In extreme cases, the mirror may shatter.

What happens when ipods over heat?

It gets too hot. To fix it just stop using it and put it in a cool place.