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Hyperventilation. Skin (especially around the finger nails and lips) starts to turn blue/purple. Dizziness. Eventually loss of consciousness.

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3mo ago

If you are lacking oxygen, you may experience symptoms like shortness of breath, dizziness, confusion, rapid heart rate, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness. Prolonged oxygen deprivation can lead to brain damage and, ultimately, be life-threatening. It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect oxygen deprivation.

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When a body of water is lacking in oxygen, it is called "hypoxic" or having "hypoxia." This can result in the suffocation of aquatic organisms and disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.

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Aerobic respiration refers to the process of producing energy using oxygen. It is a type of cellular respiration that occurs in the presence of oxygen.

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Hiya! If a plant is lacking POTASSIUM, it will form yellow leaves and bits of the plat will die. If a plant is lacking phosphates, it will havesmall roots and purple leaves and the stem will be weak. If it is lacking nitrates,it will be really small and haveyellow leaves.

What gas was lacking from Earth in the Precambrian era?

Oxygen was lacking from Earth's atmosphere during the Precambrian era. This period of Earth's history, which spans from about 4.6 billion years ago to around 541 million years ago, is characterized by low oxygen levels in the atmosphere due to lack of photosynthetic organisms producing oxygen.

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Oxygen was lacking in the atmosphere of primitive Earth. Instead, the atmosphere was primarily composed of gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, ammonia, and water vapor.

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It is a sticky waterlogged soil lacking in oxygen, typically grey to blue in colour.