When you mix vinegar with water, the vinegar dissolves in the water to create a diluted vinegar solution. This solution can be used for cleaning surfaces, as a marinade, or in cooking recipes. The acidity in vinegar can help to break down dirt and grime, making it an effective and natural cleaning agent.
If you mix ice and sugar, the sugar will dissolve in the water that comes from the melting ice. The sugar molecules will spread out and mix evenly in the water, creating a sweet solution.
The ink will diffuse slowly through the water, spreading out in all directions due to the random motion of water molecules. As time passes, the ink will continue to mix with the water, creating a uniform solution.
When sugar is put into cold water and stirred, it will dissolve. The sugar molecules will disperse and mix evenly with the water molecules to form a sugar solution.
When baking soda and vinegar mix, a chemical reaction occurs that results in the formation of carbon dioxide gas, which creates fizzing and bubbling. This reaction also produces water and sodium acetate.
When warm water mixes with cold water, the overall temperature will slightly decrease as the warm water transfers some of its heat energy to the cold water until they reach a thermal equilibrium. This process is known as thermal equilibration.
no-you get diluted vinegar
It will turn to that color that you put in the water and the vineger will make the color stay. It will turn to that color that you put in the water and the vineger will make the color stay.
Can you clen flush two day's with water & vineger
it make a chemical reaction
Balsamic reduction is made when you put balsamic vineger (or black vineger) in a heat source. Fructose molecules come together, causing the liquidy vineger to be a thicker substance. As you probably know, if you put water and vineger in a cup, they seperate. That is why you cannot do this with your average water.
You get salt water.
A gas comes in a liquid manner and makes an explosion
You get sweet water when you mix honey with water.
Some of the oxygen will dissolve in the water.
becoms dough
You get a mix of alcohol and water You get dull beer.