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They get hot, they harden, they grow. Friction causes the tyes to heat and chemial reactions within the rubber compound cause ageing and hardening. When a tyre is new it is quite soft and will wear easily, as the tyre ages it wears more slowly. How do they 'grow'?, centrifugal force generated by rotation makes the tyre try to fly outward from the centre. Only the sidewalls and circumference grow, a very strong steel cord holds the tyre to the rim and stops the tyre deflating.

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9mo ago

If a car tire is rated for high-speed performance, it means that the tire is designed to handle the increased heat and stress generated at higher speeds. High-speed tires typically have a stronger construction, better grip, and improved stability to ensure safe handling at high speeds. Using high-speed tires on a car allows for better performance and handling during high-speed driving conditions.

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How dangerous is a tire blow out?

It can be very dangerous especially at high speed. Many accidents happen due to this very thing. Blow a tire at high speed and you may very well loose control of the vehicle.

What do the speed ratings mean in terms of tire wear, tear and all around condition?

The speed ratings describe the durability of the tire at high speed, higher rated tires are of more sound construction.

Why does a tire shake going at a high speed?

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At high speed vibration usually its tire balance. Have your tires rotated and balanced.

Why an over inflated tire bursts at high speeds?

At high speed, there is a lot of flexing of the rubber, which causes heat, which heats the air inside the tire, which increases the air pressure. If the pressure was too high to begin with, the increased air pressure can be high enough to cause the tire to burst.

What can happen if your car tires blow out?

At highway speed you can loose control and have a wreck, especially if a front tire blows out.

How does a car tire get worn away by friction?

The heat from the friction of the tire rolling at a high speed on the street causes the rubber to slowly burn up.

How do you fix the vibration at high speed and its steering wheel shake when braking just at high speed?

This can be a warped rotor or tire out of balance. If it only happens when braking it is a warped rotor.

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What are tire speed ratings?

The tire speed ratings are used to tell drivers the top speed that a tire can go. Speed ratings are generally much higher than legal speed ratings.

Does balancing a tire make it last longer?

Yes, and wear evenly to minimize high-speed blowouts.

Why does a flat tire spin faster?

A flat tire spins faster for a couple of reasons. This could happen because there is no force holding it back. A soft or flat tire has a smaller circumference which forces the tire to spin faster to keep up the same speed.