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9mo ago

Helium gas is commonly used to make voices sound high pitched and squeaky. This effect occurs because helium is less dense than air, causing sound waves to travel faster and change the pitch of your voice.

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Q: What gas makes your voice sound funny?
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When is gas used?

it is used to make your voice sound funny

When is helium gas used?

it is used to make your voice sound funny

What gas makes your voice squeaky?

Helium is the only gas that makes your voice squeaky.

How do you say dakaar in English?

Burp - to expel gas from the stomach. Gas coming from the stomach to the throat makes a sound when it reaches near the voice box.

What gas makes your voice go high?


Which is the lightest inert gas which makes your voice squeaky?


What gas makes your voice go deep?

Sulfur hexafluoride.

Why does gas make a funny sound when it comes out?

Basically, it's the same thing that makes a trumpet sound: air moving past rapidly vibrating tissue. Typically, the gas bursts out under a lot of pressure, but it's also possible for it to ease out slowly -- the "silent but deadly" fart.

What is an example of sound going through a gas?

Every time you talk to someone, the sound of your voice is going through H2O.

What sound does a cannon makes?

A cannon typically makes a loud booming sound when it is fired. This sound is due to the release of compressed gas propelling the cannonball out of the barrel at high speed.

What is the name and chemical formula for the gas that caused the professor voice to change?

It is the element helium, symbol He. The change in sound is because helium is much lighter than air and thus the speed of sound in helium is much faster than the speed of sound in air. This change in the speed of sound retunes the resonant chambers in the vocal tract to a higher frequency, making the voice sound "chirpy" while the helium is present.

What does hulium do to you?

There is no known substance or element called "hulium." It may be a misspelling or misunderstanding of a different substance. If you are referring to a different element or compound, please provide more information for a more accurate answer.