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When an acid and a base are mixed together, they undergo a neutralization reaction to form salt and water. The salt is composed of the cation from the base and the anion from the acid. The pH of the resulting solution may be closer to neutral depending on the strength of the acid and base used.

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Q: What forms from adding an acid and a base together?
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When mixed together an acid and a base neutralize each other forms?

The products of neutralization reactions are salts and water.

What forms a neutralization reaction an acid or a base?

A nuetralization reaction is when an acid and a base is combined

What is the process followed to dilute acid?

Adding a base

Does adding a base make an acid less acidic?

Yes, adding a base to an acid will neutralize the acid, resulting in a less acidic solution. This is because the base reacts with the acid to form water and a salt, reducing the concentration of free hydrogen ions in the solution.

What is a base that forms when an acid loses a proton?

A base that forms when an acid loses a proton is called a conjugate base. It is the species that results from the acid donating a proton during a chemical reaction.

Conjugate acid of H2O?

The conjugate acid of H2O is H3O+ (hydronium ion). When an acid donates a proton, it forms its conjugate base, and when a base accepts a proton, it forms its conjugate acid.

What do you call the process of adding acid to base?

you call it erosion

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Nitric acid is the acid that forms salts called nitrates. When nitric acid reacts with a base or a metal, it forms salts known as nitrates.

If more base is added to a fixed amount of base will neutralize?

A base is neutralized adding an acid, not another volume of a base.

Combining a base and acid forms what?

A neutral substance.

How do you convert an acid to a base?

You cannot convert an acid to a base directly. Acids and bases are different types of compounds with specific properties. You would need to neutralize the acid by adding a base to it in a chemical reaction to form water and a salt.

An acid that forms when a base gains a proton?

The acid formed when a base gains a proton is called a conjugate acid of the base. This process is known as protonation, where the base accepts a proton to become an acid. The conjugate acid will have one more proton than the base.