

What elements are made from Ethanol?

Updated: 6/1/2024
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10y ago

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Ethanol is a compound that contains the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Therefore, these three elements can be obtained from ethanol. However, it is not customary to write that these elements can be "made from ethanol", because the elements are already present in the compound and are simply separated from one another to obtain the pure elements.

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Ethanol is used to produce a wide range of products, including beverages like alcoholic drinks, hand sanitizers, perfumes, and cleaning products. It is also used as a solvent in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

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Is ethanol a compound or element?

Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is a compound comprised of three different elements, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Any substance that chemically combines two or more elements is referred to as a compound.

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The molecular formula of ethanol is C2H5OH. Therefore, it contains 9 elements: 2 carbon atoms, 6 hydrogen atoms, and 1 oxygen atom.

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The elements in ethanol are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

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Ethanol is a compound. The others are elements.

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There is no plant that is made of ethanol. Ethanol is a biomass energy source made of grains and corn.

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ethanol is not "found", it's made by the fermentation process.

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How many different type of element are contained in a molecule of ethanol?

A molecule of ethanol contains three different types of elements: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

What elements does ethanol contain?

Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Its chemical formula is C2H5OH.

What is the elements and substances in ethanol?

Here is a short answer: an ethanol molecule is made of two carbon atoms, one oxygen atom, and six hydrogen atoms. The short chemical formula is then C2H60. The chemical formula CH3CH2OH is more descriptive, because it conveys the information that at one end of the molecule there is a carbon atom with bonds to three hydrogens, while at the other end there is an OH (hydronium) group. Between the ends is a single CH2 set. A fuller discussion of ethanol on Wikipedia is at

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