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they are as following:

1) Rutherfordium- Ernest Rutherford

2) Gallium - Gallia

3) Bohrium - Niels Bohr

4) Curium - Pierre and Marie Curie

5) Einsteinium - Elbert Einstein

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12y ago
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13y ago

Here are some elements:

Meitneruim(109) is a element named after Lise Meitner, born in Austria

Niobium(41) is an element named after Niobe, the daughter of Tantalus, son of Zeus(Greek mythology)

Vanadium(23) is an element named after Vanadis, a Scandinavian goddess

Curium(96) is an element named after the female Marie curie and Pierre currie, wife of Marie

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3mo ago

Curium, einsteinium, fermium, and mendelevium are chemical elements named after people.

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16y ago

Einsteinium,Curium,Bohrium,Fermium,Gallium,Hahnium,Lawrencium,Meitnerium, Mendelevium,Nobelium, Roentgenium (formerly Ununumium),Rutherfordium,Seaborgium

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10y ago

There are 15 elements that are named after a person. Curium, for example, is named after Marie and Pierre Curie, while Bohrium is named after Niels Bohr.

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14y ago

Very often, Elements on the Periodic Table are named after their founders, or after a Latin phrase/word.

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Several elements are named after people?

Yes, some chemical elements are named after people who played a significant role in their discovery or research. For example, einsteinium and curium were named after Albert Einstein and Marie Curie, respectively.

What are ten elements named after people?

Einsteinium, Lawrencium, and Nobelium to name but three.

What are 3 elements named after 3 famous people?

Lawrencium, Mendelevium, Einsteinium

What are all of the elements on the periodic table named after?

It depends. Some elements are named after a people or place such are Europium and Nobelium. Some elments are named for greek names like Dysprosium is named from the greek "Dyspros" meaning hard to get. And some are from the Latin and so on. Hope that helps.

For what else might elements be named?

Elements might also be named after famous scientists, places, mythology, or historical figures. Some elements are named after their color, physical properties, or unique characteristics. Additionally, elements can be named based on their atomic number or the order in which they were discovered.

What elements named after a person?

There are 15 elements that are named after a person. Curium, for example, is named after Marie and Pierre Curie, while Bohrium is named after Niels Bohr.

How were the chemical elements named?

The elements of chemistry have been named in a variety of ways. Often, element names are derived from words of ancient languages, such as Latin and Ancient Greek. In other cases, element names are derived from the names of the people that discovered them, or people with a notable relation to the element.

Many of the first discovered elements were named by?

Many of the first discovered elements were named by their discoverer or the location where they were discovered, such as hydrogen, named by Antoine Lavoisier, and uranium, named after the planet Uranus.

Named for the university where many of the transuranium elements were synthesized?

named for the university where many of the transuranium elements were synthesized?

What else might elements might be named?

Elements may also be named for the place where they were discovered or developed

What countries have elements named after them?

Several countries have elements named after them, including francium (named after France), polonium (named after Poland), berkelium (named after Berkeley, California, where it was discovered), americium (named after America), and dubnium (named after Dubna, Russia, where it was synthesized).