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Noble gases, group 18 on the Periodic Table, do not react readily with other elements due to their stable and full outer electron shells. This leads to low reactivity and makes them chemically inert.

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Q: What element group does not react with other elements?
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What does the periodic table tell you about the element in a group?

The periodic table tells you that elements in the same group have similar chemical properties because they have the same number of valence electrons. This influences how they react with other elements and helps predict their behavior in compounds.

What is the element that is not likely to react with another element?

There are several elements that will not react with any other elements. These elements are called the noble gases. They are Helium (He), Neon (Ne), Argon (Ar), Krypton (Kr), Xenon (Xe) and Radon (Rn). P.S. Although radon will not react with any other elements, it is radioactive.

Is germanium A Noble Gas?

No, germanium is not a noble gas. Germanium is a metalloid element that belongs to group 14 on the periodic table. Noble gases are a group of elements that are highly stable and do not readily react with other elements.

How many atoms of a Group 17 element would be needed to react with one atom of a Group 2 element Explain.?

Two atoms of a Group 17 element would be needed to react with one atom of a Group 2 element because Group 17 elements have a valency of 1, while Group 2 elements have a valency of 2. This means that for the two elements to form a stable compound, they need to share electrons in a 1:2 ratio.

Why group 1 and group 2 elements do not occur free in nature?

Group 1 and Group 2 elements are highly reactive and easily lose electrons to form stable compounds with other elements. This reactivity makes them unlikely to exist freely in nature. They quickly react with other elements to achieve a stable electron configuration.

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What is the part of the periodic table that has elements that do not chemically react?

All of them tend not to react with each other until you get lower down the group

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What element does neon react to?

Neon does not react with other elements.

How does the element selenium react?

Selenium react with the majority of other chemical elements.

What is special about the elements in the same group?

elements are in the same group since they react similarly to other elements in that group.

What group of elements doesnt act with any other element?

The Inert Gases in Group 18 (0) (exc. Radon) are highly unreactive. They react with almost no other elements in the Periodic Table. Radon is however radioactive.

What group off elements do not react with other elements?

Noble Gases

Which region of the periodic table is least likely to react with other elements?

Group-18 elements least react with other elements. They are inert in nature. They are called noble gases.Elements in group 18 are less likely to react with any other elements. This group is made out of the noble gases. Its members are He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe and Rn.

What does the periodic table tell you about the element in a group?

The periodic table tells you that elements in the same group have similar chemical properties because they have the same number of valence electrons. This influences how they react with other elements and helps predict their behavior in compounds.

What elements are least likely to react with other element?

Nobel gasses.

Does being an isotope change how that element will react with other elements yes or no?


How can tell whether or not an element will react with other elements?

On the periodic table, there are periods that are rows, and groups that are columns. Elements in the same group react like the other elements in the group.