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When iodine is added to a starch food, it forms a dark blue or black color indicating the presence of starch. This reaction occurs due to the formation of a complex between the iodine and the helical structure of starch molecules.

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Q: What does it mean when you put iodine on a starch food?
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How could you find out if starch is in food?

if you was to put iodine it to the food its color changes.

What happens to bread when you put iodine on it?

When you pore iodine on a piece of bread, the bread will turn black. Why? Because, the iodine has a chemical reaction with the starch in the bread. This method is great to find out if a food contains starch (I suggest a potato to try next!).

Is there a method for detecting starch without using iodine?

Yes, you can detect starch using enzymes like amylase to break down the starch into simpler sugars, and then test for the presence of those sugars using a glucose test strip or a colorimetric assay. This method is often used in laboratories as an alternative to iodine staining.

Why do you put iodine on onion not rhubarb?

Iodine is used to test for the presence of starch in a substance. Onions contain starch, which reacts with iodine to produce a blue-black color. Rhubarb does not contain a significant amount of starch, so it will not produce the same reaction with iodine.

What happens if you put a drop of iodine on a piece of paper?

If you put a drop of iodine on a piece of paper, it will react with starch on the paper turning it blue-black. This is a common test for the presence of starch.

What happens when you put iodine solution on crisps?

Crisps are made from potatoes which are very high in starch. When iodine is added to starch it forms a complex with it and results in a purplish color. you get the same thing if you put an iodine sol'n on bread or cornstarch.

What happens to an apple when you put iodine on it?

When iodine comes in contact with an apple, it reacts with the starch present in the apple and turns black or dark blue. This reaction indicates the presence of starch in the apple as iodine is used as an indicator for detecting the presence of starch in various substances.

How would you test for the presences of starch?

put a few drops of iodine on the subject, if it turns purple theres starch.

If you put a few drops of iodine solution on a potato slice?

The iodine solution will turn dark blue or black in the presence of starch in the potato slice. This is because iodine reacts with starch, forming a blue-black complex. It's a common test for the presence of starch in foods.

What happens when you put iodine solution on a chicken meat?

When iodine solution is applied on chicken meat, it reacts with any starch present in the meat, causing it to turn a dark blue or black color. This is a common test for the presence of starch in food. However, applying iodine solution to chicken meat is not a typical culinary practice and is not recommended for consumption.

What happens when you put iodine on noodles?

Iodine is a poison. It can also cause skin damage. It also will cause the noodles to change to a blue black color

How do you test something for starch in biology?

You often test something for starch using Iodine. For example, if you have a piece of potato and you put a tiny bit of Iodine on the sample, if it goes orange, then you know that the potato has starch, however if it remains purple, then that means there is no starch in the sample. May I recommend a wikipedia article for more indepth information on the testing of starch. Plants store the glucose for starch. If you put some Iodine Solution on a piece of bread or pasta or some crisps. If it contains strach it will turn black. Plants should have the same reaction. For plants you put the leaf in boiling water. You then put it in some Ethanol. Then put in boiling water. Wash the leaf with water. Cover in Iodine solution. Wait for a few minutes then come back. It should be black if it contains starch.