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Inorganic refers to a mineral that is made of compounds which are not organic. When something is inorganic, it has not arisen from natural growth. Inorganic also refers to being of a non-biological and inanimate origin.

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1mo ago

A mineral being inorganic means that it does not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds found in organic compounds. Inorganic minerals are formed through geological processes and do not originate from living organisms. They are typically composed of elements like oxygen, silicon, and metals.

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12y ago

it was never alive, like rocks or metal. An example of organic would be wood.

AnswerInorganic means man-made. It is the opposite of organic, which means coming from the earth. Bio 101Inorganic also means the lack of carbon, as the prescence of carbon indicates that a substance is organic.
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13y ago

If something is inorganic, it means that there were chemicals that were used during the process of growing or packaging the object.

In chemistry the term refers to substance that do not contain some combination of the elements hydrogen and carbon.

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12y ago

This means that the mineral did not come/wasn't made from anything that used to be living, such as plants or animals.

Some minerals are of biogenic origin (see the link below). Also petroleum can be considered as an organic liquid mineral.

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14y ago

that mean that the mineral is not organic it mite have to be some thing else

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Q: What does it mean to say that a mineral is inorganic?
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What does it mean what when you call a mineral inorganic?

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