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Chemical energy storage refers to the potential energy stored within the chemical bonds of molecules. This stored energy can be released through chemical reactions, such as combustion, to produce heat and do work. Examples include the energy stored in gasoline, food, and batteries.

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What do chemical bonds store?

Chemical bonds store potential energy, which is a form of energy that is stored in the molecular structure of a substance. This potential energy is released when bonds are broken during a chemical reaction.

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This chemical energy is from covalent bonds.

What type of energy is stored in batteries and food?

Batteries store chemical energy, which is converted to electrical energy when used. Food stores chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which our bodies convert into energy through metabolism.

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Fuels like gasoline, coal, and natural gas store chemical energy. Batteries store chemical energy as potential energy for later use. Food stores chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Biomass such as wood and ethanol store chemical energy.

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What kind of energy batteries store?

Chemical energy. Batteries also convert chemical energy to electrical energy.

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What does a battery store?

Chemical energy.

What stored energy in plants?

Batteries and plants store cell energy. Humans also store cell energy until it is needed. If there was no way to save energy all cells would be used up and the body, battery or plant would be dead.

Does a dynamo store up chemical energy?

No, a dynamo does not store up chemical energy. Instead, it converts mechanical energy (movement) into electrical energy through electromagnetic induction.

What is the chemical that plants use to store energy?

This chemical is glucose.