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3mo ago

Li (火) represents the element of Fire in Chinese philosophy. It is associated with warmth, energy, passion, and transformation. Li is one of the Five Elements which are believed to be the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

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What does li mean in roman numrals?

li or LI = 51

What does LI stands for on the periodic table of elements?

Li stands for lithium on the periodic table of elements. It is a soft, silvery metal that is highly reactive and commonly used in batteries.

What does the chemical symbol for Li mean?

lithium is Li

What does LI mean in roman numerals?

LI is 51

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Li mainly reacts with other elements by donating it's one lone valence electron to become Li+ and then it forms an ionic bond. For example, Li reacts with Cl by donating an electron and making LiCl.

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All of the elements in the left-most period of the periodic table or alkali elements. Such as Li and Na.

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An unordered list is defined by <ul> </ul> and ordered list is defined as <ol> </ol> Both of these list types take list items are their child elements. So: <ul> <li>Bulleted item 1</li> <li>Bulleted item 2</li> <li>Bulleted item 3</li> </ul> OR: <ol> <li>Numbered item 1</li> <li>Numbered item 2</li> <li>Numbered item 3</li> </ol>

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