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The potassium will seem to turn into a liquid sphere and whizz around on the surface of the water whilst burning with a lilac/blue flame.

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1mo ago

When a small piece of potassium is placed in water, it reacts vigorously, producing hydrogen gas and heat. The potassium starts to move around on the surface of the water, creating a hissing noise as it burns with a lilac flame. This reaction is highly exothermic and can sometimes ignite the hydrogen gas produced.

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Q: What do you see when a small piece of pottassium is placed in water?
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What happen if you placed a piece of rubber in water?

Rubber is less dense than water, so it will float on the surface of the water. This is because the buoyant force acting on the rubber is greater than its own weight, allowing it to float.

What is observed when drop of water is placed on the molten wax in the bowl of a lighted paraffin candle?

When a drop of water is placed on molten wax of a lit paraffin candle, the water drop will sizzle and evaporate due to the high temperature of the wax. The heat causes the water to quickly vaporize and escape as steam, often creating a small popping sound as it does so.

What happens when a small piece of lithium is dropped on to the surface of cold?

When a small piece of lithium is dropped onto the surface of cold water, it reacts vigorously, releasing hydrogen gas and forming lithium hydroxide. This reaction can be exothermic and may result in the production of enough heat to ignite the hydrogen gas.

If a cold piece of metal is placed in an equal mass of warm water will the final temperature be closer to the original temperature of the metal or the water?

The final temperature will be closer to the original temperature of the water. Heat will flow from the water to the metal until they reach thermal equilibrium, resulting in a final temperature between the original temperatures of the two substances.

What is the name of water glass cover?

The Chemical Name for Water Glass is Sodium Silicate. It is used for such things as preserving eggs, weighting silks, in some soaps as a detergent, making grinding wheels, etc.etc.etc.

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