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When a crystal of potassium nitrate is added to the saturated solution as it is cooled, it will act as a seed crystal for the excess solute to come out of solution and crystallize. If no crystal were present, the solution may remain supersaturated, meaning it contains more solute than it can naturally hold, leading to potential spontaneous crystallization or precipitation with any disturbance.

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Q: What do you predict will happen when a crystal of potassium nitrate is added to the saturated solution as it is cooled What might happen if no crystal were present?
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What causes the equilibrium to shift when a cooled saturated potassium nitrate solution is added to water?

When a cooled saturated potassium nitrate solution is added to water, the solubility of potassium nitrate decreases due to the decrease in temperature. This causes the equilibrium to shift to the left, leading to the precipitation of excess potassium nitrate as solid crystals.

What evidence do you have that the equilibrium shifted when saturated potassium nitrate solution was cooled?

The evidence that the equilibrium shifted when a saturated potassium nitrate solution was cooled is the precipitation of potassium nitrate crystals. Cooling the solution causes a decrease in solubility, leading to excess solute (potassium nitrate) to precipitate out of the solution. This indicates that the equilibrium has shifted towards the solid phase as a result of the change in temperature.

What happens when a crystal of potassium nitrate is added to the saturated solution as it is cooled?

When a crystal of potassium nitrate is added to a saturated solution as it cools, the excess potassium nitrate will start to crystallize out of the solution since the solution is unable to hold any more solute at the lower temperature. This process is known as precipitation. The newly formed crystals will collect around the initial crystal nucleus and grow as more potassium nitrate molecules join the solid phase.

What do you expect to observe when a solution of potassium nitrate saturated at 343 k or 70 c is cooled to room temprature?

Upon cooling the solution of potassium nitrate from 70°C to room temperature, you would expect to observe the formation of crystals as the solubility of potassium nitrate decreases with decreasing temperature. These crystals will form as the excess potassium nitrate in the solution starts to come out of the solution and solidify.

What is the colour of potassium nitrate solution?

Due to the potassium ion in potassium nitrate, any firework composition made with potassium nitrate would sport a purple/violet color, unless a strong colorant compound like strontium chloride is added to the composition.

Related questions

What causes the equilibrium to shift when a cooled saturated potassium nitrate solution is added to water?

When a cooled saturated potassium nitrate solution is added to water, the solubility of potassium nitrate decreases due to the decrease in temperature. This causes the equilibrium to shift to the left, leading to the precipitation of excess potassium nitrate as solid crystals.

What evidence do you have that the equilibrium shifted when saturated potassium nitrate solution was cooled?

The evidence that the equilibrium shifted when a saturated potassium nitrate solution was cooled is the precipitation of potassium nitrate crystals. Cooling the solution causes a decrease in solubility, leading to excess solute (potassium nitrate) to precipitate out of the solution. This indicates that the equilibrium has shifted towards the solid phase as a result of the change in temperature.

A saturated solution potassium nitrate may be made unsaturated by?

Increasing the temperature of the solution, which will allow more potassium nitrate to dissolve. Alternatively, adding more solvent to the solution can also make it unsaturated by diluting the concentration of potassium nitrate.

What happens when a crystal of potassium nitrate is added to the saturated solution as it is cooled?

When a crystal of potassium nitrate is added to a saturated solution as it cools, the excess potassium nitrate will start to crystallize out of the solution since the solution is unable to hold any more solute at the lower temperature. This process is known as precipitation. The newly formed crystals will collect around the initial crystal nucleus and grow as more potassium nitrate molecules join the solid phase.

What mass of potassium nitrate would be needed to produce a saturated solution of potassium nitrate in 50 grams of water at 313K?

At 313K, the solubility of potassium nitrate in water is approximately 62g/100g of water. To form a saturated solution in 50g of water, you would need roughly 31g of potassium nitrate.

Explain how you would prepare a saturated solution of potassium nitrate in water?

To prepare a saturated solution of potassium nitrate in water, you would add a large excess of potassium nitrate to a fixed amount of water at a specific temperature. Stir the solution until no more potassium nitrate dissolves, then remove any undissolved solid. The solution is now saturated, meaning it has dissolved the maximum amount of potassium nitrate possible at that temperature.

Why saturated solution of potassium nitrate is used in salt bridge?

Its because Potassium Nitrate is a spectator in most electrochemical cells. Spetator as in it does not react with the other species in the solution that undergo oxidation or reduction.

How do you make saturated potassium nitate solution?

To make a saturated potassium nitrate solution, add potassium nitrate (KNO3) to distilled water at room temperature until no more of the salt will dissolve, leaving some undissolved salt at the bottom of the container. Stir the solution well during the process to aid in dissolving the salt.

What laboratory procedures to show that a solution of potassium nitrate is supersaturated?

At a given temperature a solution is saturated when the the solute become insoluble.

What do you expect to observe when a solution of potassium nitrate saturated at 343 k or 70 c is cooled to room temprature?

Upon cooling the solution of potassium nitrate from 70°C to room temperature, you would expect to observe the formation of crystals as the solubility of potassium nitrate decreases with decreasing temperature. These crystals will form as the excess potassium nitrate in the solution starts to come out of the solution and solidify.

How much KN03 will dissolve in 100 grams of water at 80 oC to make a saturated solution?

The solution become saturated ove 124,6 g potassium nitrate.

Potassium nitrate was found to have a solubility of 120 g in 100 g of water at 80 °C and 50 g in 100 g of water at 25 °C.50 g of water was heated to 80 °C and solid potassium nitrate added until the solution was just saturated?

The solution was then cooled to 25 °C when solid potassium nitrate separated out to leave a saturated solution. Using the information provided in this question, what is the minimum mass of water that must now be added to the mixture of the solution and the solid in order to make this solid potassium nitrate redissolve at 25 °C?